
How environmentally friendly are alternative energies long term?

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for example, if we build tons of hydroelectric turbines then we are taking energy away from water currents, what effect would this have on our rivers and oceans?

Same thing for solar energy on our weather...




  1. Solar works,

    Wind, too many say it chops up birds, but I'll just move the grill under the windmill, lunch and power.

  2. hard to say cause we have none of them implimented in our neiborhood seems like everything is based on old policys and sucking more oil and making more dirty air and not as many people recycle but i do see the lines in the sky and i do see the landfills all arround me

  3. Trying to find an arguement against alternatives are you?

    You know, it takes work to do anything, trial and error to get it right and great research and design to make it so.

    We can do this. In stead of pissing around trying to wriggle out of it, we need to dig in our heals and forge ahead. Determination, commitment and inspiration not to meantion adaptability are the game of the day.

    Let go and get going! We can't afford to drag our feet. Expect that we will make mistakes, but when we do, remember the wopper we are trying to fix and they will look a little smaller. A lot smaller!



  4. No form of energy is environmentally friendly.  Why?  Because the resources used to create facilities which harvest energy have to come from mining.  Solar power?  Sure, it's free once one has all the equipment.  However, silica, lead, and zinc have to be mined out of the ground in order to provide the raw materials for the solar collectors and battery storage.  It's like that with all types of energy collection, not just alternative energies.  Wind power faces the same problem. It requires raw materials for energy collection (don't forget about all the copper mining that must occur in order to create copper wire).  

    It's not all doom and gloom.  One just has to decide which is more important.  Mining of raw materials or alternative energy sources.  Either way, the natural environment is going to be affected (typically not in a positive way).

  5. I was wondering the same thing, but I think the energy takin out of the water currents would be so insignificant, it wouldn't be a problem.  Ocean currents are caused by the rotation of the earth if I remember correctly.  Ive also heard the wind might have more of an influence on ocean currents then we think, either way, both air and water currents are constantly being repowered by the rotation of the earth.

    As far as solar energy,  maybe the darker surfaces will radiate more heat than the lighter desert ground?  I dont think solar will ever be a big thing, in that I dont think we will have large solar panel arrays.  Instead, it would be better for there to be a solar panel at the site where the power is needed, like at individual homes, or businesses.  What is the difference between this and paving with asphalt all over?

  6. Only solar and geo-thermal as of now.  The rest all have toxic byproducts.  We need someone to come up with new ideas.

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