
How exact should my child's nursery observations on him be?

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My child has been at nursery quite a while, he was great at the start, but then all off a sudden the word ADHD has came into the equation!!!!

I called my health visitor, she told me to ask the nursery for the observation records on my child, when i did the head teacher said they dont keep such records!!! when i told my health visitor this her face dropped to the floor!!!

At nursery the next day i explained they should have records so i was asked to speak to another staff member when i did she said she had some observation sheets on my child but when i looked that them they were all dated with one date, despite me having to listen to regular complaints from her each day and not just one day!! They were not also very informative, To cut the story short the teacher hadnt written observations at all she jotted a few down after i asked for them !!!hmmm

does anyone know what an observation sheet should include?

I thought it was supposed to show how the teacher dealt with the situation




  1. first of all your child can only be diagnosed ADHD by a pediatric neurologist.  If you have concerns take him to his dr and ask for a recommendation.  The pediatric neurologist will have the teacher and parents fill out forms for a formal evaluation.

  2. Children under the age of five are not classified as ADHD, a certain amount of excess energy comes with the age. what you want to know is during what activities are they having concern. Is he active during circle time? maybe it is too long for him. Is he active during book time? maybe he is having problems with children being too near him and using carpet squares would help to mark each child's personal space.  Is he having problems only some time during the day, when he is doing something he dislikes, or is it throughout the day.  The teacher needs to keep records that show what time of day the problems arise, who the child is with and what, if anything happened right before the behavior. And of course what they did after.

    Unfortunately, most child care workers are not trained enough in handling behavior and fail to see how their own behavior has added to the problem. If your child has not responded to the methods they have used, then the teacher needs to change her response.

  3. I suggest you try a few things (first of all let me say it makes me so ANGRY when unqualified staff throw words they don't understand around....) Here's what I would do....

    1. Set up a face to face meeting with the Director (or supervisor) of the program.

    2. Tell them exactly what you were told about your child

    3. Ask them for supporting documentation

    4. Ask for their qualifications

    5. Ask for their support with your own professionals (doctor, ADHD specialist).

    6. Call the governing body...(in Ontario, Canada you would call the Ministry of children and family services...) they are responsible for licencing daycare centres and nursery schools. Bring this concern to their attention.

    I'm sorry you had to go through that....each child must have their own file and written observations (good and bad...their development, goals they are working on, goals they have mastered, concern areas, action plans for those concerns, previous progress reports etc)

    It's totally unacceptable to bring something so serious up to parents and not have any concrete examples. AND if the teachers are moaning and complaining to you when you pick up...turn the tables around and politely ask ...1. "What's your approach when my child behaves this way?" 2. "Can I see your report?" (behaviour outlines the behaviour, time it occured, contributing factors, action plan etc)

    I would strongly suggest that you take this matter into your own hands. Go to the dollar store and buy a notebook. Label it COMMUNICATION LOGBOOK. On the front page, write a short and clear note re: your daily expectations

    Dear (teacher),

    Please outline my child's behaviour in this book daily. It will be an important tool for me (and possibly his doctor) to identify the behaviours he is displaying at school. I would greatly appreciate your daily support in this matter. Please place this book in his backpack at the end of the day. I will review it and initial it (possibly provide you with suggestions). It will also help me to follow up at home. Working collaboratively will help us all. Thank you in advance for your support and co-operation.

    This will give teachers and staff the clear message that you mean business and that you care...

    Good luck...feel free to e-mail me.


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