
How exactley does salibrasion work (for tattoo removal)?

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I am doing a research paper on tattoo removal and am wondering....

What kind of salt is used?

What is is rubbed in with?

For how long is it rubbed in?

How long would it take (how many days, how often a week etc)?

Anything else helpful.




  1. You use rock salt, with a sleight amount of moisture. Then you rub the tattoo, till yer about ready to scream, and it's turned bright pink. Then you let it scab over, and the scab fall off by itself. You'll have a white spot where the tattoo was. Takes about three weeks, unless the tattoo is really in there, and you have to repeat the process. Many doctors will remove small tattoos with an abrasive process, in which they use a local, and a small grinding wheel. They used to take a small one off for around forty bucks. But I haven't seen that in years.

  2. The most popular way now to use salt really is not salabrasion because it is tattooing in a salt water made from boiled water and sea salt (some use popcorn salt because it dissolves easily) and then after this is done, the remaining "salt paste" is applied over the tattoo for a few minutes.

    Only small areas at a time should be done.  It takes a long time -several sessions at least six weeks apart and this is primarily used to lighten for a cover piece.

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