
How exactly are the Dems going to get the gas prices down if they will not allow and drilling?

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Lets face it alternative energies are the thoughts of wishful people and will take DECADES to become on-line yet their talking points stipulate that with new drilling will not affect the price for 7-10 years. How can we trust them with making decisions that benefit Americans when they only seem to want to hurt the very people they say they support.

As a side not is it not impressive how in some areas the gas prices have dropped over 30 cents a gallon since Bush revoked the moratorium on off shore drilling?




  1. The demo do not want lower gas prices.  That will help increase  global warming.

  2. Demolition of major airports and cars. Army Engineers or National Service can help do this.

  3. Democrats in Congress have been very vocal that they want to curb Market Speculation. Market Speculation is the cause of 50 Percent of the higher prices of oil. The rest is supply and demand. There is enough oil in the world, but George W. Bush is making the people who produce it mad with his reckless wars.

    off-shore oil drilling in America won't result in significantly lower gas prices for about 15 years. 15 years from now, more than 50 Percent of America's vehicles will be running on hydrogen or electricity. off-shore oil drilling, like the Gas Tax Holiday, is simply a ploy to get uninformed Americans to vote for John McCain.

    EDIT: NO, off-shore drilling can begin in 18 months.. it won't start making a difference for about 15 years. i know, because i use websites like and, not Fox News.

  4. Explain to me how drilling will significantly reduce prices now or even in 10years.  McCain and Bush both said they are doing it for "psychological" reasons and won't reduce prices anytime soon.  Economists say even if we could start pumping it out this very moment and put it on the market this very moment, it would, at most reduce the price about a dime/gallon.

    We own 1-2% of the worlds oil supply, we use 25% of the current supply.  Do you NOT understand this?  We don't have enough supply to effect the price and it'll take years to get it -- and the oil we have here requires more work to get than most other places that are supplying it now.  To top it all off, when OPEC increased supply a couple months ago what happened?  The price went UP, siginificantly.  So if you use one example for "reasoning", then it's reasonable to say increasing supply, increases cost -- and that's DUMB.

    Economists have repeatedly said the two main reasons for the current high price of gas is speculation and the devalued U.S. dollar.  We have lost HALF the trading value of the U.S. Dollar since Bush was sworn into office.  25-45% of the current cost of gas is JUST the speculation market, economists have said this over and over.  And to top all of this off Oil companies are not drilling on 70% of the land THEY ALREADY HAVE BIDS FOR.  Your proposal makes no sense and discards ALL of the facts.  I'm sorry you are angry about high gas prices, but seriously, stop being played by politicians.

    No response, eh?  Provide one source that disproves anything I said.  I've read several economics books in the past few months and I assure you will not find one economist that will back what you've said that isn't getting paid by Big Oil right now, ZERO.

  5. Have you ever asked yourself how long it would take to establish an off-shore drill rig that produces oil? Same thing with drilling in Alaska!

    First geological surveys have to be done and oil found. Then rigs have to be built for that particular spot. Rigs have to anchored, crews hired and trained - then oil can flow....

    To think all you need to save energy is to put some solar cell on your roof and your air conditioning runs for free! What is wrong with new technology/innovations/progress?

    The price of oil sank when record drops in gasoline consummations were reported.

    I don't think you are open to anything other than the republican hardline dictates - so why are you asking?

  6. Obama the savior said the other day to check our tire pressure and filters, I did that and nothing happened

  7. WHEN has a Democrat ever reduced the price of ANYTHING?

    They will wait for the rest of us to do something to resolve the situation and then, with the help of the media, take credit for it.  

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