
How exactly do i get to join a student union and get a student union card?

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Do i do it through the college or what?




  1. At most unis you will automatically be part of their student union and have a uni card that will also act as the union's card. If you are in sixth form/sixth form college you can get an NUS (National Union of Students) card, which should entitle you to student discounts. Most sixth forms will sort this out for those who want one at the beginning of each year, they cost about £8 I think but would probably be worth it.

  2. when you start colledge or university the student union will definately make themselves known to you they will be right at the front of things during freshers week or ask your university or colledge for a contact number

  3. During the fresher fair (that's usually held during enrolment week) the SU will be on stand by to make out SU cards to those you wish to join, its free but you'll need a passport photo. Furthermore you'll be able to apply for you NUS Extra card if you want, it costs £10 and gets you all those essential discounts.

    Best of luck

  4. Theres a student union office in most universities.

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