
How exactly do spicy foods induce labor?

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I'm just wondering what it does to the body that could start labor.




  1. It doesn't do a me, I tried!  :-)

  2. Spicy foods do not cause you to go into labor. That is major false info there.  Depending on how far along you are, if you have thinned out, etc., physicians suggest lots of walking. They say walking because it helps to condition your uterus for labor and it helps with the normal gravitational pool.

  3. Yep, sorry but I don't think it does anything. I'm Mexican and eat spicy food quite a bit normally and it didn't even give me heartburn during my pregnancies, let alone induce labor. It seems like there's a whole lot of "do this and you'll induce labor..." but I haven't seen anything that really works yet. lol

  4. the only thing it done for me was make my butt burn the next morning when i passed the spicy food. it also did give me a few contractions while i was eating it but that's all

  5. They don't.  It's a myth.

  6. it makes your intestines pass p00p easier and the p00p helps your baby slide right out

  7. I have not heard of eating spicy foods to induce labor, but here are a few suggestions:  (Please talk to your doctor before trying these)

    Castor oil mixed with orange juice....I did this and it brought tiny contractions (I only drank one or two swallows...tastes disguting!)

    Stimulation to your nipples.....I am not joking, but takes A LOT of stimulation!  I never had any luck with this one...

  8. Spicy foods don't do anything to induce labor!  They just give you nasty heart burn.  I have been eating a ton of spicy food since I was 38 weeks, and I am now 9 days overdue although I keep eating spicy food in hopes that it will start labor.  As far as I am concerned all of the "natural induction methods" are old wives tales, and it is only coincidence when it works for someone.

  9. Nothing.

    I did everything.  I've had three kids.  Trust me.  I did everything you could think of that was safe.  No drinking teas or castor oil - that's bad stuff, and those things don't work either.  Anyone who has gone into labor after doing these things - coinsidence.

    I did start labor right after s*x this last time - but I had s*x almost even if I think that's what did really happens when the baby decides. (I do think that the s*x did help jumpstart it though;)

  10. I have been drenching all my food in tabascco sauce since even before my pregnancy and even to this day I eat tons of salsas and stuff and the only thing it does is gives me heartburn!!! i mean really bad heartburn ...

    if you are worried it will happen to you dont ... eat all the spicy things you want ...

    If you are like me and desprately looking for a way to induce ... then go back to the drawing board because I have tried s*x, walking, elevators, and even jumping up and down and nothing!!!!!!!!!!

    They will come out when they want ... I gave up already haha!

    Good luck to you  

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