
How exactly do you control muscle spasms?

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I have been having this really annoying muscle spasm on my left arm *more specifically my bicep* and I'm not sure how to control this. It can go away for hours but always manages to come back.

I'm not a fan at ALL of generic and prescription medication. I'm an alternative medicine gal. Is there anything I can use?




  1. Considering your screen name, I assume this is due to repetitive motion.

    A couple acupuncture treatments plus a blood building, muscle/tendon nourishing herbal formula will have you good as new in a couple weeks.

    Look for a licensed acupuncturist & herbalist close to you at

  2. The real question that needs answering is WHY is your arm spasming?  Once you have that answer, you can proceed with a reasonable treatment.  For instance:  It could be a potassium deficiency, which could be cured by eating a few bananas.  The muscle might be overworked, in which case a little rest or some massage might be enough.  You could be dehydrated, so drinking water might help.  There could be a neurological problem, which could range from a simple Vitamin B12 or Folate deficiency to a serious disorder.  And so on . . .

    In other words, just asking around in here won't likely help you.  Find a health care provider you're comfortable with (is Naturopathic licensed in your area?) and get it checked out if it continues to bother you.

  3. Magnesium Taurine, supports nerve health.

    Also buy a Power Ball, from ebay, very cheap. This exercises the entire arm and chest.

    Hope this helps.

  4. Orange juice helps.

  5. I completely agree with Dan C, and in the meantime if you're looking for a short-term solution to help alleviate pain and spasms, you can either apply compression to the site or flex the opposite muscles (so in your case, the triceps). You can only flex one opposing muscle at a time. The other one must relax. :)

  6. I agree with the idea that you might need a supplement such as magnesium or potassium or electrolytes in general!!

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