
How exactly do you play water polo?

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how do you play water polo? what are the rules and stuff i dont get it!!!!!help!!!!!!




  1. Awesome sport!  Brutal sport!  My daughter was a Water polo player for 4 years in high school.

    It's like playing soccer in the water, there is a goal at each end.  You must swim at all times, you cannot touch the bottom of the pool.  The real game goes on below the water.  A lot of elbows, kicking, pulling swim suits, grabbing.  a very exciting game.  The rules are on line, you learn as you play.

  2. It is played with a mix of three sports. The first is basketball just like basketball players water polo players must play both offense and defense.  Teams will run set plays and look to score on fast breaks, there is also a shot clock.  Another sport is hockey, in hokey there is a penalty box that players are sent to and players aresent to the conner in water polo for 20 secs.  The same basic concept of players playing both ways fits in here.  The other guy said soccer which is close but with soccer the only thing that is real close are the minor fouls because play is restarted so quickly.  I've played for seven years and coached for five, and the way people play will be based on the players they have. In high school we had bigger guys that would wrestle and play a somewhat slow pace but when I started coaching I had a smaller team so I tried to turn it into a fast pace game up and doen the pool.  The rules are pretty simple.  You can't put the ball underwater or gain an advantage by pulling another player.  I'm not saying it doesn't happen, you just can't get caught. If any of those happens it is a free throw which the defense has to back off for about three seconds to allow the player to pass the ball.  If a major foul occurs that is when a player is sent to the "penalty box" for 20 seconds.  The last real thing that needs to be known is that if a foul occurs inside the five "red" meter are then a shot cannpt be taken but if it happens outside then a player can shoot the ball without hesitation.

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