
How exactly do you "carry" a dobsonian?

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I've had my dobsonian telescope for quite a while but I'm not sure I carry it right. I usually grab the two "handles" and use my arms and back muscles (I know it's bad for ya) to carry it in and out of the house. How are you guys supposed to carry that kind of telescope? Thanks in advance!




  1. I use a hand truck for my grab-and-go Dob.

    My big Dob has wheelbarrow handles with wheels that bolt on to the base.

  2. My 10 inch Dob has a handle.  But the combined weight is a little over 50 pounds.  That wouldn't be a problem in itself - i have a 75 pound canoe, and it's not difficult for me to lift.  But the scope base and tube are attached at a pivot, so it's like holding a marshmallow.  I can do it for a few feet.  But for that, i prefer to lift the whole thing upright by the sides like a sumo wrestler (in the movies, probably James Bond).  For more than a few feet, i take it apart and make two trips. Since it takes under 3 minutes to set it up somewhere (with the computer fully aligned), this isn't a big deal.

    The 8 inch and 6 inch Orion dobs can more easily be carried by the handle.

    My scope comes with instructions on how to carry it with the handle - available on line as a PDF.

  3. That is how it is done.

    You can get two people and carry each end too.  

    Really big ones can be mounted on rolling mounts and hauled around in trailers.  Loading and unloading from the trailer at each destination.  

    I agree, it is not exactly the best thing to move them.  That is why you have to collimate them with nearly every move/use too.  Easy to jostle the mirror out of position due to awkward handling.


    Dont joke with anyone while they are carrying the tube until AFTER they set it down.  I once looked at a guy in our club while he was carrying his 16 inch tube assembly by the side handles in a vertical position.  I said something like Hey, is that a big dob in your pocket or are you just really happy to see me?  He started laughing so hard that he almost dropped the scope.  Wait till they put it down before you make them laugh.

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