
How exactly is Women's studies a discipline?

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It's not like Literature or Philosophy, which have a firm basis in the intellectual tradition. From what I've heard, it's just a loose collection of feminist & socialist ideology.




  1. Most other qualifications make you feel special when you have passed the exam, with this you are made to feel it from the first class, the exam is irrelevant!

  2. Hit the nail on the head, dude.

  3. It fills in the gaps of all the other liberal arts.  Most textbooks have traditionally omitted the great things women have done.  That is why extra education is needed.  Now that new textbooks are being written with women included, you see many of the programs being dropped from lack of interest.

  4. Because there is an interest.

  5. It's not. It is PC liberal indoctrination.

  6. I would agree that it is a s*x-based, s*x-biased ideology masquerading as a legitimate academic study.

    However, I would not call it "socialism". As an equalist and a socialist myself, it would not be socialism as I understand it.

  7. From what you've "heard".

    OIC, so you're basing this question on the most accurate factual basis you can find, then?

    And you wonder how Women's Studies can be a discipline.

    I'm guessing that's because, for you, 'academic discipline' involves someone wearing a mortar board and holding a paddle .. right.


    Cheers :-)

  8. You've heard wrong.

    Women's Studies is mostly history that got left out of history books.  Molly Yard, Elizabeth Blackwell, Sojourner Truth, Mother Jones, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Dorothea Dix, Jane Adams etc.

  9. I'm a woman and I see no sense in it at all.  You see I don't need to be mentioned in a blasted ole history book to know that I'm a human-being; just like I don't need some hyped up title to tell me the same.  You see my name may not be mentioned, still I am there, hwere and all around you and I will always be lurking in the shadows, as your mom, grandma, sister, wife, and or aunt, cousin all the way on down the line.  All of us will be surrounded by my female species whether or not we are related. You know something else I don't care about that history book junk; it'll only have me looking insecure; can't have that.

  10. You are right. I studied two undergrad gender modules and I can tell you it really put me off feminism. How feminists get away with it is obscene, because education it is certainly not. Propaganda and manipulation maybe, but not education.

  11. "From what you've heard"?

    Women's studies is a subcategory of gender studies, which is concerned with gender and biological s*x, the boundaries between them and their causes and/or effects in society. It isn't necessarily tied to any particular ideology.

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