
How exactly is this country united?

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they call this the united states, but honestly how are we united anymore?




  1. This nation is far from divided.  We were just as "divided" on 9/10/01 but it only took a few hours the next day to put the entire country into lock-step with each other.

    Most Americans agree on what needs to be done: stop terrorism, use our natural resources wisely, and help our fellow man.  It is just how it is to be done that stymies us sometimes.

    Unfortunately, our political leaders have polarized themselves for their own selfish, power-hungry desires.  They have learned to play the press and American people to make us think we are just as polarized.  The more they can keep us focused on how bad they can make the other guy look, the more they can play their game to control the goverment and rob us blind for their own ambitions.

    We have to be smarter than them and not submit to the farthest left or right dogma and deprive ourselves the privilege of independent thought and actions.

    As an example, I'm a pretty conservative guy, yet I drive a hybrid car.  I don't want to trash the planet, but I also do not want to hook up my computer to a bicycle generator to save it.  I grew up with hunting, fishing, and farming so I love meat.  Yet, I will purposely eat vegetarian with some of my friends so we can share a little off each others' plates when we go out.  I voted for President Bush, but I am angry that he has really screwed the pooch on a lot of major stuff.

    So let's be united in being liberated human beings who do not have to mimic the opinions of our government leaders like the North Koreans or even the Iraqi's under Saddam.

  2. I don't think this country is united.  On September  11th we were united in grief and ignorance.  I did not say anger.  Our grief was quickly turned into anger when we were told what to think.  The Trade Center was an inside job.  Yes  you should check out the internet video Loose Change for starters.

    The rich in this country live in a world of privilege.  The middle class is struggling under a debt burden.  The poor are exploited.  Poor children grow up in crime and with limited opportunities.  

    This is not a united country.  The media and leaders turn our anguish into fear and anger so that they can control us.  Check out the internet video We.

  3. Very well said Rob!!

  4. one are tied together by the constitution, and by the love we have for this country, in spite of the people we elect that do not serve our interest

  5. By law. Till death do us part...

    Enjoy the love.

  6. media, music, road system, soc security system, chain restaurants, air travel, sports where l.a. plays new york and chicago plays dallas in every sport etc....etc...etc...more united than ever

  7. it is united in terms of the 50 states that all co-exist and are under the federal government.

  8. By our money that we all use, in any State of the Union and which contains "In God We Trust" and by the new coins we put out that honor each and every state.

    By being a citizen of this nation which gaurantees you life, liberty and the persuit of happiness fron sea to shining sea.

    By the fact that we all stand and put our hands over our hearts when the National Anthem is played.

    By the fact we can all express our views and opinions freely right here.

  9. Excellent point.  I was sitting here trying to think of something witty, and came up with squadoosh.

  10. DUDE you're so right man, like Hawaii and Alaska aren't even with us anymore!

    But I think at Y/A you see extreme partisanship, I'm not entirely convinced other Americans are so polarizing.  Basically, Y/A is a bad gauge.  I still hang out with my lib friends, so I think we are united.

  11. Oh yes, yes, yes. We are united in many ways that you might not think about at first.You are united with a  bunch of people who are trying to protect your rights and mine to do what we are doing now. This is important stuff. We have freedom of speech and we can discuss this all we want both positive and negative. Within the law we can do what we want. We are fighting to protect all of the freedoms not just these few. We'll hopefully always be engaged in this fight.

    As bad as things seem to be now, as I tell my kids, they have been a lot worse and good people have hung in there fighting this united fight. Don't confuse disagree with being united as a country. Disagreement gives us new life.

  12. We are not united, we are as far apart as we have ever been! WE have a White House, that ignores its public!  We have a congress controlled by Democrats, and is always overcome by the rep, neo-cons! And with the support of the country, who's majority is Rep.We have Rep.'s,, who push their beliefs, and values on the minority! And when the minority complains? They are labeled as Unpatriotic,spoil sports! How do you deal with that?And yet they claim to be so fair and balanced!

    You can not have it both ways!

    Well enjoy your position! Sooner or later it will be reversed, and the majority will be congress, senate, and population!

    We are very patient!

  13. we are only united in our hatred for each other.  The politicians have succeeded in destroying what Communist Russia could not.

  14. Legally the individual States are are united by law when they voted to join the Union of States, but that was a long time ago.  In reality we are more united from and economic and social stand point than by any other.  As a collective we´ve amassed a huge amount of political clout in the world and economically speaking we´ve been the leader since the beginning of the 20th century.

    However, individual States show independence in different ways by passing State laws that very often are at odds with others States or the Federal government.  So though we are relatively an independent minded society we feel that we are stronger united than as individual entities.  We´re like minded enough to get along, but independent enough to not allow conformity to be our creedo.

  15. As victims of a rapidly failing political system! Seven years of self determined right, wrong and constitutional "bush"wacking with no congressional oversight has made us victims. Senators and congressional people who have done nothing but argued about this problem are just as much a part of the failing system. They now want to demonize the people who have screwed over our constitution but they did little to nothing to stop it when they should have. We hear how the Republican congress was absent more than present over the last several years – did the democrats show up for work when the republics did not? We are the victims; maybe not united but victims just the same! Our campaigning candidates tell us what we want to hear as much to get into office as to keep us from uniting. Look how well Americans stopped the amnesty deal when they united against efforts to allow illegal aliens to become citizens with simple slap on the hands for violating immigration laws.

  16. No.  And we never will be again.  There are too many vying factions.  And it's getting worse and worse due to foriegn policy and lax immigration allowing people to come here from every ethnic background and then demand that we change our way of life to suit them.  We are not a melting pot, more like a mud puddle.

  17. ...we are united in freedom. We're even perfectly free to break the law, provided we face consequenses if we are caught doing so. -It may not be perfect, but I garantee you     it's the fairest legal system in the world.

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