
How exactly is this discrimination?!?

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Surely it's anti social behaviour?




  1. People just don't get tired of playing that discrimination card, do they?

    What they are doing is wrong. To be clear, I am referring to sexual acts in a public place. It doesn't matter who it is that is doing it, it should not be done.

  2. You are 100% right. This country is pathetic.

  3. I would call it anti-social behaviour having reported a heterosexual couple having s*x in a local alley.

    the C S O told me they will receive an ASBO, to ban them from the area & they will be up in front of a judge IF they are caught again.

    from what I understand about this local scum-bag & unsavoury pair the GETTING CAUGHT BIT IS PART OF THEIR FUN!

    How sick is that?

    Doggy-ing should be made illegal.

    why the g**s want to belittle their behaviour under a discimination act is completely beyond me.

    but like so many minorities before them they have been given an inch & are now taking a MILE!

    Because they can.

  4. I live in Bristol, near the downs and think this is one of the most stupid arguments ever put forward!

  5. Unbelievable.  Thanks for sharing.

  6. Jesus H Christ!!  I had to read it twice just to make sure I had read it correctly.  Once again, PC Britian is raising its 'we are all winners, lets hold hands and go for long walks together' head (no pun intended!!) he he he he he he.   What next?  People of darker skin complaining that the sun is too white!!  (thing is, knowing Britian it will happen and they will spend millions on a space mission to paint the sun a darker colour!)

  7. If I were out for a walk with my family I would not want to see people b*nk*ng.  Its pure exhibitionism and as you say - anti-social behaviour. "un-mutual".  There was a road lay-by near me which was notorious as a meeting place for g**s who gathered there from all over the country and were using the local woods for sexual practises (day and night) which stopped mainstream family walkers from a pleasant afternoon out.  The powers that be blocked the lay-by - many people now can use the woods again.  Minorities can be amazingly selfish.

  8. It is anti social behaviour, straight or g*y s*x in public isnt a plausable cause for discrimination!

  9. It's not discrimination, why do minority groups always want to be seen as victims?

  10. I dont know ? I would think any public s*x would be frowned on no matter how exciting it is ! (it is exciting in public too!)

  11. Minority groups always harp on about discrimination, it's lost all meaning now as they want better treatment than the majority groups not for their minority group to be treated equally.

  12. The homos should bugg'r each other behind closed doors like the rest of us Straight people do.

    Being a qheer is no excuse.  Most people find them offensive enough as it is without fear of witnessing their sickening behaviour.

  13. I thought things like nudity and sexual acts in public were against the law.  Does the g*y community want all that to be open and legal?  If that is the case, then straights should use that area too.

  14. It doesnt sound like it fits the diagnostic criteria for antisocial behavior, but its not discrimination either. They are pretty much clearing the area bc of the s*x in public taking place there, not bc of who's having s*x. I think its bc a majority of the activity is homosexual, they think they're being targeted, but I'd imagine the same outcome (clearing the area) if it were heterosexuals. Not many people would like to just walk up on people having s*x in a park, whether its male on female or male on male. It's just not a good way to start off your morning jog.

  15. no its not discriminating one bit. all it is is public decency. what probably happened was that was a well known area for that cerain group of ppl for s*x. and so when it became common the council decided to make it cleaner. if i see two people having s*x in the woods. i dont look again to find out if theyre two guys or two girls. it IS anti social behavior.

  16. These people who commit these acts of indecency,surely have somewhere private they can go.It matters not to me what they do, either sexes.Please dont let young children and others be subject to it. We should all be able to walk freely without having to be embarrassed by this behaviour

  17. Oh, the way you brits live! And some of you have the stones to complain about America. PMSL. Even the French are better.

  18. it just shows you how demented the world has become, maybe these are the end days after all

  19. Now there is nowhere for the dogs!!! lol.

  20. Some people think they have all the rights!

    If it were straight people, nothing would have been said against stopping public land  for sexual perversion.

    The straights would have just quietly looked for another place to go.

  21. Perhaps they should offer to put them up a Motel instead of their thicket, then they could do it in private like the rest of us.


  22. Doesnt that just defy any sort of logic whatsoever?

    They are in talks with the Terence Higgins Trust?

    How blooming dare they!  They are committing a public order offence and yet they are bringing this action?

    It makes you want to spit.  And it is a shame.  I know some lovely same s*x couples who abhor this type of behaviour as much as the next man or woman.  

    It doesnt foster good relations between heteros and the g*y community now does it?

    Why SHOULD they be given special privilege for breaking the law for gods sake?

    Would they be happier for children to find them in their sordid activities?

    Dont they have homes to go to like the rest of us for that?

    Asolutely Barking Mad.

    This country is a shadow of its former self it really is.

  23. I read this morning and though the exact same thing. I agree 100%. Straight up anti social behaviour. What is this country coming to....?

  24. I find it difficult to believe that g*y & lesbians need a bit of scrubland to get the monkey shuffle happening. I agree it is anti-social behaviour regardless of sexual orientation and councils shouldn't assign greenbelt for the purpose... ludicrous.

    This story does, however conjour up images of dog walkers being shocked out of their wellies by row upon row of bobbing bums.

  25. Engaging in sexual activities outdoors is not a crime in English law, unless you are:

    a) Seen and

    b) cause offence to anyone who sees you.

    Thus, neither g*y people nor straight people having s*x outdoors are necessarily committing an offence.

    I don't see it as discrimination either. The scrubland in question is not the exlusive property of the g*y community in question. It is wild, public land, and therefore it is there for everybody. If the public indicate the land is to be preserved for wildlife for the enjoyment of all - so be it.

  26. LOL that made me laugh.If a heterosexual couple were caught having s*x in that place,it would be an offence,but it's discrimination if you're g*y,and the shrubs need cutting.

    How far will this goody goody bloody country go?

  27. It isn't discrimination. They should find somewhere indoors and private for their "meetings". I think its offensive for people to witness their behaviour in public . Typical attitude we are the minority so we can dictate to others but do what we want .

  28. I am fed up with g**s, Muslims and any other person waving the PC card.

    A man hole is a man hole, not a drain access point.

    An actor is male. Etc

  29. true, they should be doing this now, it same as over rulling their own law, g*y, L*****n were proved leal in bacl 2004/05, so what is this now, if even a one homo couple says that they dont want it then  i guess the idea should be taken away , u r ryt it against their law and anti social.

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