
How exactly will Biden be an attack dog? Is there a suit, some costume for that?

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How exactly will Biden be an attack dog? Is there a suit, some costume for that?




  1. He will be the one who speaks when Obama can't.

  2. Since people in general like Obama's message better, McCain's major strategy for winning the election is to discredit Obama...hence the fact that all but a few of the TV spots McCain runs are anti-Obama rather than pro-McCain.

    McCain knows that this puts Obama in a tough spot...if he says too much about them, he gets called a whiner and looks overly defensive.  If Obama counters with too many McCain attack ads, he ruins his "brand" of rising above typical politics.

    Biden's job is to call McCain out on his B.S.  He'll be long-winded when he does it, but he'll get the job done.  McCain's free pass is gone.

  3. Heck, all his has to do is get up in the morning. It will be a refreshing CHANGE from the Bush/Cheney double-talk to have someone tell it like it is

  4. Ever hear him talk? He'll bore you to death. Literally. they threaten the UN, that if the dont get in line, theyll send Biden to speak.

  5. He has rabies.

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