
How expensive is Europe now when on holiday? I was shocked?

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Just got back from a week in Greece and couldn''t believe how much everything has gone up. It was 4 euro a beer, and 5 for a vodka!! Where can you suggest going that is not so expensive. I spent £900 in 1 week and think thats a bit too much really. Thanks :)




  1. Yep, this it the time to visit the U.S and get a truckload of cheap shopping!!

  2. It's true that since the intro of the Euro many countries have got noticably more expensive (even for locals), but in kind, so have the salaries to match.

    The main reason why you notice a dramatic hike in the last year or so is purely economical.  The credit crunch in the US (too many mortages given out where re-payments were not feasible) has hit hard and causing a recession of sorts.  The UK ecomomy is more closely related to the movements of the US economy than that of the rest of Europe (also many UK banks invested in the US in this branch and made losses to recoup).  

    As a result the currencies of the US & UK have dramatically decreased against the Euro which has remained relatively stable

    Therefore your pound just doesn't stretch that far anymore.  Good for continental Europeans to visit the UK & US for holidays, but a bad news for the UK/US to visit mainland Europe

  3. Some of the former East Bloc countries - Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, and Ukraine are still very cheap.

  4. I know it's ridiculous the Euro almost matches the Pound! The best place to go for a good return on your money is Thailand

  5. Yes, sadly, here in Cyprus, we're experiencing the same problems...and basically, its all due to the rising cost of fuel Because we live on an island, with very little in the way of industry, most stuff has to be imported, and then of course, there is also the cost of distribution across the island. I think you will come across the same problem pretty much everywhere you go at the moment!

  6. You have to bear in mind that, thanks to the financial mismanagement of this government, the value of the pound has sunk dramatically against many other currencies, especially the euro. When I visited France  4 years ago the euro was worth about 66 pence. Today one euro is worth about 81 pence so, without prices going up in France, the cost to us has gone up more than 15%. The only place where the pound has not suffered in this way in USA because the value of the dollar has also gone down. I read somewhere that Turkey was still reasonably inexpensive.

  7. Regretfully, like most folk, you went to a place catering for Brits etc, not the locals. If you would but walk a bit you would find beer for €2 and vodka the same price. Where ever you decide to go. get away from the tourist zone, either walk, bus or taxi - things are much cheaper

  8. Yep I remember when we used to spend pesetas instead of euros, didnt really care about owning a mobile phone, manaña really was sometime in the distant future (if ever), the rent for an apartment here was not half your wages, and computers were used by office people and schools! How things have changed, like the UK we've moved with the times unfortunately, but our wages have not!!! If I could turn the clock back I would. Clothes are cheaper in the UK though, so a good excuse to visit once and a while.

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