
How expensive is gas going to get and should I park my car and ride a bus?

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How expensive is gas going to get and should I park my car and ride a bus?




  1. Yes, if you can take a bus, do.  We live in an area where public transport is not an option and I wish it was.  Gas is going to get expensive and you will probably end up saving money (not just on fuel, but regular maintenance and repairs, too).  Plus you can chill and read a book or newspaper (or do some work) while someone else does the driving...not a bad deal at all!

  2. If you have access to the bus / train system... USE IT!  Save your gas for leisure things.

  3. I think tha if we all started to ride busses then gas prices would rise even more to make up for the gas not being sold

  4. Every year for the last 5 or 6 years (since 9-11) the blabbermouths on the news keep saying "Gas will be 5 dollars a gallon this year"

    Every year they're wrong.  Gas is now (in Ohio) about 2.80 to 2.90 a gallon.

    That's pretty stable from a couple years ago.

    Fun fact, the average family spends FOUR TIMES as much on various taxes in a year than they do on gasoline.

    If the tax rates were lower, gas prices wouldn't matter as much.

  5. Where's the bus? Take the bus, save gas, save miles on your car, wear and tear on your tires, no worrys on driving safety, BUS BUS BUS

  6. Petrol is only going to ever get more expensive. Regardless, you ought to ride public transport as much as possible, as mass transport helps to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

  7. buses are expensive too, at two pounds a ride... not really. plus think of all the disadvantages

  8. If you have public transportation available it can be a great way to save money because gas isn't goint to get cheaper any time soon.

  9. If you have the option of using public transportation and it is reasonably convenient, you should definitely use it.  In the long run it is far cheaper than driving, and also less stressful and safer.  Many of us, unfortunately, don't have that option.

  10. I think gas is headed for $5.00 a gallon in the next year.  We are all going to have to adjust our driving habits, if we can still drive.  The future of oil does not look good.

  11. Riding the Bus is actually better for our environment and it is a good way to meet new friends.

    Good Luck!

  12. the price of petrol ( gas ) will be determined by the predominantly arabian cartels --- you should walk to work if you can --- that way you are creating a double ' wammy ' --- the oil 'barons' don't your hard earnt doallar --- and you exercise --- saving the hospital system from having to put up unfit , unhealthy , uninspired people , who can't , or won't , walk to the corner store !!

    and in no way am i suggesting that you are any of the above !! . good luck .

  13. If crude is likely going to go beyond $100 it is quite likely more and more vehicle would turn towards gas tomake journey more affordable setting the priced shooting up. It is significant tonote that motor manufacturers have started accummulating unsold stocks. A few days ago it was amost like Factory to Garage. So it is quite likely that Gas will also filled with gas and rise and rise and rise. So it would not be a bad idea to resort to public transport. But take it from me it is not going to happen.When oil began to climb up sometime in the 70s there was a flurry of  economic measures for restrricting transport expences butit hardly lasted a year. Not that oil climbed down but the administration gave in as also the others.

  14. Be eco friendly-ride the bus..

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