
How expensive is spain?

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i wanna know how expensive food is in spain, ive heard europe in general is expensive, even at mcdonalds isnt cheap. can u help me out in telling me how places like hard rock cafe would cost for a lunch? Thanks.




  1. Spain can be as expensive as you make it!  keep away from British bars, buy veg/fruit in the markets, you can still get good wine for 2.20 euros a bottle even cheaper in Lidls, 1.99 for a lovely Ribiero.

    Petrol prices have gone up recently, but still "just" that bit cheaper than the UK, this week I bought 2 good sized chickens 3 euros for them both  in Carrefour

    Pork ribs 4.95 euros a kilo.

    Look out for set meals/meals of the day in spanish bars, they can be great, 8/9/10 euros.

    If you go to the Hard Rock cafe and places like Macdonalds/Burger Kings etc., you will get ripped off, look eating places that are busy, serving all nationalities not just the spanish, you know they will be good, look for the meal of the day or the set menu, for about 8/9/10 euros, 3 course meals with wine or beer,

    Have lived here for 26 years, so reckon I know a thing or two now about that place!

    Arroyo de le Miel, Malaga.

  2. i have relatives that live in spain. when it comes to food it is freaken' expensive. a burger at mcdonalds will cost like 4 euros.

  3. Hello, I have travelled to Spain before, it is not that expensive, go to Spanish restaurants to eat, not hard rock! But if you go to hard rock then it could be about 14 Euros for a burger and chips...Spanish food and restaurants are very good and not that pricey....

  4. i dont know i have never been but my aunt says its all where u go

  5. expensive then  my 45$ dollar lace thong i bought at victoria secret

  6. You'll pay more at international/chain restaurants than you will at local places. Plus, you won't get the real experience; eat where the locals eat to see what it's really like to live there. If you're totally on a budget and just want to eat to live, you can always get simple food at a market for cheap (bread, fruit, etc.).  I've traveled all over the world that way :)

  7. We're not sure of your country of origin so it's difficult to give a relative picture of how expensive Spain is compared to what you know locally.

    If you're European you'll find Spain about as expensive as most other countries or even a little cheaper. It's cheaper than Belgium, England, Switzerland, Germany, and a number of other countries.

    If you're from Canada or USA you'll find it a little less expensive than other European countries - but not by much.

    If you're exchanging USDollars to Euros you'll find Spain (and Europe) expensive, unfortunately, but that's what we all have to live with until the economy changes.

    You can eat lunch much cheaper in Spanish restaurants than in Hard Rock Café or TGIFridays (stay away from these places, anyway). Hard Rock Café can easily cost 20+ Euros for lunch while a Menu of the Day "Menú del Día" can cost 8 Euros in a basic restaurant/bar and this will be a more authentic Spanish experience than if you go to a noisy/busy Hard Rock Café. (I've been twice and really dislike this place - it's impossible to speak due to the loud music - and full of tourists)

    McDonald's is probably among the cheapest at around 5 Euros for basic lunch without ordering anything "Super Sized" or larger sandwich. I went to a Burger King with some friends once here in Spain and couldn't bring myself to order anything. For a few Euros more you can eat real food, "home cooked", and much healthier.

    Enjoy your Spanish experience and eat well! The *Spanish* food is great.

    Saludos, BarcelonaMan(.com)

  8. McDonald's is considered a sort of premium place to's American, after all.   It's a big treat, not a cheap place to eat.

    You can pay about 5 - 10€ for lunch, and a little more, up to 15€ for a decent dinner.  That's sort of middle of the road type places.  You can get tapas, depending on the town, for about 2 - 3€, and some up to 10.  I think we got a plate of three types of ham at the Museo del Jamón (a small chain in Madrid) which, including some Ibérico, and another that was fairly pricey, for three people, that cost us over 30€, plus drinks.  That was one of our more expensive meals.

    It's more expensive in Europe now than it used to be, but that is really because the dollar is so poor against the Euro.  And because we are really used to it being so cheap there.  It really is about the same as travelling in the US, price-wise.  

    You can do pretty well, if you mix it at medium places most of the time, an expensive meal now and then, and a few picnic lunches bought at the grocery store or open markets, and you will probably still get off a bit cheaper than doing the same in the US.

  9. Spain is getting more expensive now with how strong the Euro is.  But if you stay away from chair restaurants like the Hard Rock Cafe, you can find good, local restaurants that serve a completely meal for anywhere between 10 and 18 euros.  I mean if you walk along la Gran Via (one of Madrid's most important streets that runs through downtown) you'll find plenty of places to eat.  In Spain, most local restaurants include a beverage, dessert, and 2 dishes in their price menu.

  10. I went to Madrid last year and I found prices to be pretty reasonable. You can find plenty of restaurants that have prix fixe menus, which saves a lot of money. Also there are plenty of inexpensive tapas bar and museum of ham is cheap and good. I don't know about McDonald's or hard rock, I ate at more local places.

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