
How expensive would a new graphics card and RAM be?

by  |  earlier

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my dxdiag says my chip is a Ninvidia GeForce FX 5200 and I have RAM of 512, but somtimes it goes down to 510. I want a computer that can play games realy good, but I don't think I'm going to get the best games. I just want to be able to run Sim City Societies right now, but I think I will get better games than that in the future like The Elder Scrolls: Oblivian for PC. I think I'm going to use the computer another two years. Thanks for reading. So prettymuch I'm just asking what is the best graphics card at a reasanable price and how much more RAM do I need and how much would it cost?




  1. First you need to be using a PC not a laptop to upgrade a graphics card.

    Then you'll need to go to and run the on-line scan (or download it if your using Vista) too see what RAM is compatible with your PC. Note it down.

    Buy your new graphics card and new RAM and install, I'd say that RAM would be £50-£60 and the graphics card would be £70-£100.

  2. to knw details abt yo question you can log on to ""    you get all the details whatever yo needed

  3. You can go to  or best buy if you arder online- they have wonderful rebates, and you can compare prices- a 40 dollar stick of ram will prolly double the speed. Good Luck with your search.

  4. Looks like its a AGP card, and no mobo today supports AGP. AGP cards are rare. U have to buy a new system.

    You can get urself a decent system for $400 to play your Sim City and other low end games. Maybe upgrade later with a better card.  

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