
How expensive would each bird be?

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Hahn’s Macaw

Lorikeets: rainbow or chattering

and what are the cheepest amazons?




  1. Buying from a breeder is usually cheaper than buying from a pet store, however, there are some good privately owned  pet stores around. The list below are prices from breeders:

    Blue Headed Pionus $500-$800

    Max. Pionus $350- $775

    Bronze Winged Pionus $700-$800

    White Capped Pionus $475-$600

    White Bellied Caique $700-$900

    Black Headed Caique $575-$750

    Quaker $150-$400

    Hahn's Macaw $500-$800

    Rainbow Lorikeets- $400-$600

    Cahettering Lories $600

    Amazons- around

    White Fronted $500-600

    Lilac Crowned $700

    Orange Winged $700

    Red Lored $650-800

    Blue Fronted $600-900

    Double Yellow Head $875-1200

    Yellow Crowned $900-1000

    Yellow Nape $920-1050

  2. The Quaker would be the least expensive, for less than $300 from a BREEDER (NOT a pet store).

    The Pi would be next.

    Hahns Macaws and caiques are about even - between $800 and $900 (white bellied caiques are more expensive than the black-headed caiques for some reason) from a breeder. (Pet stores are ridiculous with caiques -- I found one for $1500 at a local place and laughed at the guy selling it).

    I have THREE caiques -- The White bellied I paid $850 from a breeder 4 years ago (and she was only 3 months old) - today, that breeder charges $900 for her WBCs. One of my Black headed caiques came from a different breeder and I got her for $600 -- because she was 6 months old, and the last of that year's "stock", so she was "marked down". My third caique, also a BHC, was $400 and I got her from a lady who didn't have time for her anymore.

    Lorikeets I'm not sure, but they're hard to find.

  3. im not really sure about most of them, but i know that the quaker will probably be around 400-500, any type of macaws are normally in the thousands, and amazons are in the high hundreds to thousand. most of the birds you want are really expensive! i suggest finding a rescue group and looking there cause most rescue birds were givin to these groups cause the owners had to move or something, and then the people  sell them for like, at least half there normal price. i saw a macaw on this one site and it was for 250.00! if your interested, go to     and then fill in the info in the colum on the left and you should be able to find a good pet. hope i helped!

  4. well quakers are usually sold for about 200-250$

    makaws are expensive so i would say somewhere near 1000$ or more

    im not sure about the loorikeets and pionus but my friend had a black headed caique and he paid a little over 400$ for it  

  5. check on-line at breeders sites for an average price.

    What's more important is what bird personality would fit you and your life style.  If it isn't a good fit all might suffer.

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