
How fair was it of Condi Rice to bar our foreign embassies?

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from holding events for presential nominees the night before Obama left for overseas, but did not do it before McCains trips?

Cable was leaked to the Washington Times if you need a source.




  1. It is relatively rare (though clearly not rare enough) for State Department cables to be leaked to the press, and therefore the absence of a cable saying the same to embassies ahead of McCain's visits does not mean there wasn't one.  This cable could have been a simple reminder.  There was also certainly a lot of background information that was certainly not made public (if nothing else, because it wasn't interesting enough).  Obama inspires much more energy in his supporters than does McCain, that is no secret.  It is entirely possible that the State Department got wind that officials at an embassy were planning on holding some event for him, even though this is against protocol, and just reminded them that it wouldn't be appropriate... this, however, is purely speculation on my part.  Most likely, one cable was leaked, and another wasn't.  

    If Rice had been announced as McCain's running mate, there would certainly be a bit more reason for suspicion of foul play... it wouldn't come close to proving anything, but it would still maybe make this situation a *tad* more suspicious.  McCain does not exactly hold the same views (far from it) as those in the Bush camp, and with so little to gain from his election personally, I doubt Rice or any of her underlings intended any harm or unfairness.  It'd be like saying that the media is being unfair to McCain (and formerly, Hillary) by giving Obama proportionally more coverage.  He's a better speaker, he's more interesting, he's fresh and new, and news companies gotta make money... of course he's on more features and headlines!  Here, this is probably yet another case of an all-too-familiar occurrence: people making broad assumptions based on incomplete information.

  2. She seems to have said the same thing re: McCain...

  3. McCain traveled overseas in his status as a Senator.

    Obama is not traveling as such, for part of the trip, he is citizen Obama, Democratic nominee for president.

    US Government employees are forbidden from engaging in partisan politics (can vote but not campaign).

    So since Obama was traveling for his campaign- embassies could not throw parties for him.

    No doubt they will after he is elected.

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