
How far Nordic Paganism and racism/elitism intertwined? ?

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Since the revival of Nordic Paganism in the 18th century with the rise of German nationalism, it has had a very touchy relationship with tolerance related subjects. Nordic Paganism was overly glorified in the 18th century in a very anti-semitic way, i.e the accusation that Christianity by Jesus being a jew was not "white" or "germanic" enough a religion. Men such as Wagner had much to help instill this into society at that time.

In world war II. The SS used mostly Nordic Pagan symbols. The Sieg Runes or the Wolf Runes among other things.

Even today. Nordic Pagan symbols are used a lot by Neo-n***s and far-right nationalists in many movements. Especially popular are signs of Odin or Thor.

Take this with that fact that the original Nordic Pagans or Germanic tribes were also not very tolerant (Vikings ethnically cleansed all of Normandy, when the main Germanic migration from northern India/Tibet reached Europe these tribes ethnically cleansed and murdered all the original European inhabitants and replaced them, etc..).

So would it be accurate to say Nordic Paganism is by it's essence a racist religion? Or if that's too harsh a very elitist one? With it's history and general philosphy that is opposite of Christianity, i.e the strong should crush the weak. Only strength is respected, etc..




  1. Depends on whether your inside the group or on the outside.  Racism shouldn't hang on just one sect, whatever country you read about, in whatever era, there is always elitistism and ethnic cleansing, it is the way of a tribal society that fuses into a religion.

  2. If you consider the fact that both Heinrich Himmler and Reinhard Heydrich were Catholic, I think it takes a bit of a leap to pin their crimes, racism, and elitism on Nordic paganism, whatever symbols they happened to use (including the Sanskrit swastika)

    Using your definition and examples, we could say that Buddhism is racist and elitist because the Mongols wiped out entire areas.

    The revival of Nordic paganism (or neo-Nordic) within the last 30+ years shouldn't be confused with what went on prior.

  3. Nordic Paganism or those into Odin categorized cults have little to do with the anti Semites or n**i propaganda.

    It is well established that Wagner had subversive views and this is why the n***s latched onto to his operas.

    The Nordic races themselves did have a history of invading other territories. Unlike the  Gothic, Germanic and Celtic tribes they had comparatively little success and their strength proved to be in trade and seafaring.

    Their success in colonizing the Northern parts of France is probably more due to the instability caused by the collapse of the Roman Empire and the need for the goods they provided. In would be most interested to know where you get your evidence for ethic cleansing.

    It is a very poor comparison with the Christian Church of the day. The Roman Empire, through Constantine, took the new religion and used with violent means to sanitize many of the Barbarian tribes. The Norse areas were eventually converted for political means.


    The culture is set apart from other pagan religions of Western Europe because it is based around the elements of Fire and Ice rather than the classic 4 elements. The main symbol associated with the n***s, the swastika, comes from Indo/Vedic traditions.

    The Norse runes and beliefs show no apparent forms of racism. The geography of the Norse territories was particularly harsh, so the qualities of strength, etc. were a necessity to survival as were their seafaring skills.


  4. "So would it be accurate to say Nordic Paganism is by it's essence a racist religion?"

    As accurate as to write that all religions (and races as well) are so

    inclined.  Let's not overlook the fact that humans are "highly

    competitve" beasties.  

    And btw...the n***s made a point of identifying those who would

    disagree with their Gobbelesk interp of things occult (incl

    Nostradamus amongst other things) and making them

    disappear...quietly and with no trace.

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