My son is two years old. He started talking at about six months. With Ma Ma and Da Da. Now he holds about six sentences at once. He can name and locate about 30 countries on a globe and knows about 75% of the US. He can count to 25 and can recognize and say all his numbers up to 25. He also knows random numbers like 24, 50, 100, 150. He knows and recognize each of the ABC's pointing out different letters and saying them. He now knows every instrument that is played in the orchestra and can say them one by one not in a perticular order. And now he knows five planets. I am not trying to brag or anything my husband wants to know where he is compared to other two year old. And just a note, I don't force him to learn. He asks me questions and I give him answers, he loves learning. Take for example we went to the zoo about two weeks ago. We were in the bird section. We were standing beside this elderly lady and he pointed at a bird and asked the lady "What kind of bird?" my son then replied,before she could answer, he said "The Scarlett McCaw is a Tropical bird". Are there any free Toddler IQ Test online? My husband is really nagging me about this. Thanks for replies!
Oh, about the orchestra, if he hears instrumental music being played on the radio, if he hears a certain instrument, he can indentify which instrument is being played.And he also knows all of his colors and shapes including octagon and cylinder. Again he asks me this stuff, I do NOT force him to do this.