
How far along am i??? sooo confused please help?

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HI okay so here goes, it is quite long and confusing so sorry if i go on a bit too much...

i had a miscarriage around june 24th (last day of bleeding) but didn't have a period because i got pregnant straight away. they did a scan on the 11th of august and they measured the baby at 10mm so guessed i was 7 weeks gone.

but... isn't there two dates you have, something which goes off the last day of your period (the lmp?) and then another date from when you actually conceived... sorry i don't know the proper names for these dates.

so if they measures me at 10mm and i was 7 weeks does that mean the baby is 7 weeks or is it going of when i miscarried?

i know this is really confusing because i didn't have a period between the two pregnancies... they said that they will be able to tell at my next scan but i just want to know now. am i 9 weeks or 11 ???

thank sin advance for any help =D




  1. It means the baby is 7 weeks.  Congratulations!!

  2. I just went through the same thing sweetie! I had a miscarriage on May 31st and bleed for about a week, I was only about 6 weeks along! Well on July 12th I went in for a different situation and they told me I was pregnant with a brand new pregnancy. No one could tell me a estimated Due date because my last regular period was back in April. Well I went in for a sonogram yesterday and they told me I am 12 weeks along, so I conceived the week after my miscarriage! My due date is March 11th, 2009.

    Any ways, they give you several due dates, at first it is from the first day of your last period, then they measure the baby and give you a different day, but towards the end of your pregnancy they will give you another estimated due date because how heavy the baby is and it's position inside you! But they usually stay around the same week.

    My first pregnancy I got three different due dates but all were within a week of each other!!

    Well good luck and congrats!

  3. You are 7 weeks!!!

    They go by the measurements of the baby in cases like yours, there's no way they can go by a misscarriage so they go by measurements and depending on how large the baby is depends on how far along you basically if you count back 7 weeks from the date of your sonogram you should've had s*x somewhere around that day and that's when you concieved. congrats!!  

  4. they usually go by the dates of your last period in the early stages as you can never be 100% of when you concieved as each baby varies anyway. so just use your last period date to go by unless any other scans change that.

  5. Hello,

    they're saying the baby is 7 weeks, which is still good.

    But at your scan, they will give you a correct due date for the baby, based on size and development.

    Good luck.

  6. Hi if your scan said you are 7 weeks then you are 7 weeks, all the dates are for there like 1 week either way is because the baby can survive in the womb up until around 42 weeks, they will give you a due date which will be the date you are 40 weeks, I know they say you carry a  baby for 9 months but the dates they give you are 40 weeks which is 10 month, 36 weeks is 9 month. which basically means you can go anytime between 36-41 weeks after this time they will probably induce which they told me this week, I am 39 weeks this week and waiting patiently for my little one to make an appearance lol

    But forget all that as no matter what date they give us a baby can come weeks before your due date or weeks after, they will come when they come lol.

    But for now just concentrate on what the scan told you you were, if it says 7 weeks then you are 7 weeks.

    When I went for my scan I thought I would be around 10-11 weeks but was shocked as I was 2-1 weeks ahead I was really 12 weeks 1 day, and this is all I have gone from.

    Congratulations and all the best.  

  7. Them asking for the date of your last period is just a guide until you get an ultrasound and they are the ones that tell you exactly how far on and your due date. I would definitely go with the date the sonographer gave you.  

  8. 7 weeks and congrats and good luck xox

  9. If the scan was on the 11th of August you would now be just over 9 weeks. Closer to 10  

  10. if you were around 7 weeks August 11th, then you would have conceived shortly after your miscarriage, the begining of early july sometime.

    They are not going by lmp or miscarriage at the ultrasound, they are just going by development of baby.

    today you would be around 9 weeks. they may do another ultrasound yet, just to confirm

    You may have had s*x 3/4 days after the miscarriage, but remember sperm can survive up to 5 days inside you so you may not have ovulated untill a couple days after that there for conception probebly occured after s*x, begining of July like i said. congrats to you.

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