
How far along do you have to be for....?

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it to count as murder of any degree if someone kills the baby in utero (accident or on purpose) or two murders if it is the mother and baby when the mother is pregnant? I'm just curious and have thought about it before and wondered if anyone knew.




  1. personally I believe its killing the baby as soon as it is concieved in the womb. altohuhg many others disagree. when you have an abortion after 20 weeks, it is usually illegal. before 20 you are allowed to have them in most areas. BUT, I've seen on the news. where a pregnant woman was killed, she was only 3 months pregnant.. and they said the man murdered 2 people... a mother and her unborn child. now.. how is it right to have an abortion and it isn't murder, but if your killed... its considered 2 deaths?  kind of contradictory if you ask me. I think the "reasoning" is: if the mother was killed, and wasn't planning an abortion, its considered 2 murders, because the baby eventually would have been born. I am not definate in my answer, but I have seen it happen twice, where the woment were before the abortion cut off date when killed, and they considered it a double murder.  

  2. depends where you live.  

  3. well i live in the united states and they say that after the 19th day the fetus is conceived it already in fact has a beating heart and is considered murder

  4. The moment the baby is conceived it is murder to kill him/her, based on God's law.

    In the USA I have no idea when they consider it murder. I'm guessing around a few months.

    Interesting question. A little disturbing though, lol.  

  5. This all depends on the state you live in.

    Check out:

  6. If the child has not been born and lived independently of the mother it is not regarded as murder.

    This is UK Law

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