
How far along do you say you are pregnant?

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For example I am 36 weeks, and 5 days pregnant, and that's what I tell everyone. But my husband just tells his relatives I'm 37 weeks (which I know isn't that far off, but still, feels weird to say)

Do you personally do the same, or round up, or down?

Sorry for the lack of interesting question, just curious to know what others do!




  1. Today iam 33weeks and 6days i say i will be 34weeks tomarrow, Or lets say im 33weeks n 4days i say iam 33weeks.

  2. i round it up :)  

  3. If I'm 22 weeks and 3 days, I'll say i'm 22 weeks.

    If I'm 22 weeks and 4 days, or more days, I'll say "I'll be 23 weeks on Monday"

  4. say what you feel and think people should know

  5. I say I am 22 weeks and 6 days and if they ask again how far along that is then I tell them 5 and a half months.

  6. I turn the next week on a Friday (or Saturday depending on my 2 due dates) so what I do is this... until Wednesday I round down, after Wednesday I round up.

    So today I will say 29 weeks, tomorrow/Thursday I will start saying 30 weeks.

    I am too clustered in my head most days to work out the number of days! I am getting old - lol.

  7. I round up. But I am technically 13 weeks and 4 days.

  8. So for I'm am -0 months and weeks pregnant

    You could just say you are ALMOST 37 weeks.

  9. i say i am 36 weeks and 4 days witch i am.

  10. I would say 36 weeks the whole week and then 37 weeks the whole week that I'm 37 weeks, etc. I wouldn't include the extra days except maybe to say "I'll be 37 weeks tomorrow".

  11. I like to be specific but it really depends on who I'm talking to...

  12. to make it simpler for people , i would just say:

    i am in my 36th wk .

    hows that?????

  13. I usually round up, depending on who it is that I am talking to. Of course if it is family then I get specific, but if I'm just talking to someone else about it I don't think they really care either way. Men are different though. I would be surprised if my husband knew exactly how many weeks I was.

  14. It's like a teenager saying they are 17 and a half. They cant say they are 18 yet, but trying to emphasize they are almost 18. When women speak of how far along they are, they try to get as descriptive as possible. To men, which week you are in is enough. There isn't much difference in the development of the baby or the size of the mommy when measured in days. But each week is a mile marker that can easily be communicated and understood. Rounding up or down or just the closest weekly marker will be sufficient. Any more than that makes it sound like you are counting down to the birth. 36 wks-5dys-3hrs-26min and 36,37,38 seconds Which is humorous, illustrates that you are still in good spirits, and dillegently keeping track of your exact progress. Which to anyone but the mommy and the doctor is excessive information.

  15. I'm usually always specific and say the week and days.

    If I round up, I feel like I'm making the next week take forever!!

    And if you round up, it will make you feel like you've been pregnant forever once you get to the end.

    Good Luck!!!

    (And that 36 week 4 days person did just ask a question saying they were 37 weeks.. I thought it was a little strange)

  16. well im 36 weeks and 3 days (we arent far apart!!) and i just tell everyone im 36 weeks until i turn 37 weeks and then i start saying im 37 weeks.  

  17. I usually round up to the nearest week, unless I'm being specific.

  18. I round up. Right now I am 24w2d and say 24 weeks. At 24w4d I'll probably say 25 weeks. lol. I just want to be further along so I can meet my little man!!!

  19. I know for a fact cause of the problems I had conceiving I know the exact date I conceived. I am 19w7d pregnant today and will be 5 months tomorrow. if anyone ever asks me how far along I am I round Up. instead of going through the weeks and days.  

  20. Id just say your 36 weeks and 5 days :)

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