
How far along were you before you realized you were prego?

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a friend of mine said she was 6 months along before she even knew she was prego? do some people just not get sick or feel it at all? how far along were you before you started getting sick and feeling prego?




  1. Wow, your friend was sure lucky not to feel any symptoms until then!

    I found out at 4.5 weeks pregnant.  Even then, I had cramps, nausea, and some twinges (down there).

  2. A person that lives in my neighborhood didn't realize it until she had the kid. She had him in the toilet. She thought she was just having really bad cramps. And then plop lol out goes her little boy. She never went to the doctor didn't have a bf nothing. she left the kid with his grandma then left. so he doesn't know his mom.

  3. i was 3 weeks but i only knew cause i didn't get my period and i KNEW it was supposed to start about that time. i never got morning sickness with either. sometimes people really don't know there prego.

  4. I found out at 5 weeks, because we had been trying and were testing often. I never have been sick though. 32 weeks along.

  5. I think it depends on the person. Some people have irregular periods and it may take longer for them to notice.  If you are planning the pregnancy, you may notice the same day as your missed period or even before.

  6. with all my pregnancys i knew within the first month. i have heard of woman not knowig they are preggy i think that is nuts. my hubby works with a woman who found out she was preggy a month b4 the baby was born.  she said she didnt know. she was a larger woman like i but how the heck would you not know something is up when the baby starts to kick the heck out of you. once my baby started to move there was no dought i was knocked up.

  7. I was about 6 weeks pregnant.  I tested a few days after I missed my period and I got a negative result.  Then one Saturday morning, my husband made coffee.  I threw up the coffee and knew that I needed to test again.  It came up positive.

    I guess it is possible she didn't know.  But she would have to have very irregular periods and have to be rather overweight.  You start to feel the kicks at around 16 to 20 weeks.  If you are more overweight you might not feel it for awhile.  And some people have a little bleeding in the beginning on and off in which they could think was a light period or two.  And some people never or rarely get sick.  My sister didn't.

    After 6 months I think 99 percent of the people know they are pregnant.  And if she is slender then she is just living in denial.

  8. You would usually miss a period around 4-5 weeks so that would be a clue.

    I knew before I missed though as I had other symptoms - strong sense of smell, tender b***s, etc.

  9. I found out with my son at 4 weeks and with my current, I found out at 3 1/2 weeks. I come out positive pretty early on!

  10. i was 2 months along

    i was on birthcontrol that stopped my periods so i never noticed

    Here i am now 7 months with a beautiful little boy :)

  11. i was only 4 weeks, and i never got sick. i hope i will be like that on my next one!! yeah i don't understand how people can go that long and not know they have a baby in them!!!!! i mean i never was sick but i could tell something was very different with my body!

  12. i never got sick, but i realized i was pregnant at 8 weeks when i didnt get my period and i was peeing all the time. i actually thought i had a bladder infection lol

  13. yeah i had a friend that didnt realize until month 5.

    i noticed at month 2.

    i never got sick, my only indicator was strange cramping and of course a late period.

  14. Not all women miss their periods . My mother got hers all the way until she was 6 months . Me on the other hand knew when my period was 2 days late and found out when I was like 7 weeks....  

  15. I found out at 4 weeks. I was tired, bloated, gassy, and my b***s were extremely sore.  So I took a test and it was positive!

  16. well I knew when I was 2 weeks because I tested the day my period was late.  by the time my period was almost 2 weeks late my symptoms started....smells bothered me tremendously, b***s got heavy/swollen and sore, nausea set in.......etc.  Is she a big girl...because i am poking a little just at 12 i can imagine at 6 mos. you would really be showing.????????  yea, and what did she think happened to those 6 periods?

  17. the first time i was pregnant i found out when i was 8weeks and the second time i was 4 weeks. i think it's different for everyone. the first time my b***s hurt so bad and i was extremely tired both times. i'd take a nap during the day and it'd be hard for me to wake up then and in the morning. by 9:00pm i'd be falling asleep. good luck!

  18. She didn't notice she missed a period for 6 months?  That's strange.  I was just over 5 weeks.  My b***s were sore and swollen, but my period was late, so I tested.

  19. It can happen. Little weight gain, no fetal movement, irregular periods. But I found out I was pregnant on Nov 2 & I got pregnant on Oct 4.

  20. my nan didn't realise till she was 6 months gone some people don't have any symptoms i realised at 3 weeks but my test was negative but 2 weeks later it was positive so i just knew  

  21. 4 weeks, I didn't get my period that's why.

  22. I found out at 9 weeks and I had my period til I was 4 months. I started having symptoms at 13 weeks so if she got all the way to 6 months I think its just denial. She didn't want to believe it or have to deal with it. Thinking it would just go aways. I'm sure by 6 months you know.

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