
How far along were you when you had your babyshower?

by  |  earlier

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i'm going to be 34 weeks when i have my babyshower. i'm just curious when other people had theirs, and if they had any advice if they had theirs to early or to late.

also, i'm currently 29 weeks, so if someone is about as far along as i am, i would like to know how your feeling and such. just to get an general idea of how i compare to others :]





  1. i had the shower with my bf's family a month before i was due, and i had another one for my family, 20 days before i was due, so im guessing round 9months.

  2. Mine is also this coming Saturday.

    I'll be 34 weeks.

    I think it just depends on how long you wanna wait.

  3. I just had one last Sunday at a 32 weeks, 1 day. I am having another one at 33 weeks, 6 days. I am a few weeks further than you are, but I am feeling pretty good still. I just rest when I'm tired and eat when I'm hungry! Stay hydrated and do what your body tells you to do. Good luck!

  4. i had mine at 31 weeks, didnt want to leave it too long and also gave me a chance to wash the clothes and set up the nursery. but whenever is fine, i thought mine was too early but im glad i did it when i did!

  5. I hope to have mine around 30 weeks.  That way I am pretty far along, but still have everything just in case the baby comes a few weeks early like some do.

  6. I had my shower at 33 weeks. i think thats a good time....b/c your not overly uncomfortable...yet your big enough to where people are excited to see you! give you just enough time to get the nursery put together and all the clothes washed and put away....the crib setup...and details like packing your diaper bag. i know i wont be using my diaoer bag for the first 8 weeks or so..but i was super excited to fill it with all the little baby stuff. Diapers, wipes, pacifiers, bottles, onesies, blankies, booties, burpies! etc. haha anywho. good luck! congrats!

    boy or girl?

  7. Mine is also this Saturday, I am 34 weeks. My husband and I are hoping this will give us enough time to do  any last minute shopping  for  our little man and have  everything ready before his arrival

  8. Im 31 weeks, i had mine last weekend.. so at 30 weeks :)  I think any time is a good time, as long as your past the misscariage stage.

  9. Mine is this coming saturday. I will be almost 38 weeks

  10. mine is on the 6th my due date in on the 8th but i think my little guy will be here by then!

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