
How far along were you when you went in for your first OB Visit?

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just wondering how long everyone waited




  1. 5 or 6 weeks

  2. i had my nurses interview at 8 weeks and my first actual ob visit at 11. most offices prefer to do the first one around 10-12. some wait to make sure the preg will stick

  3. I'm 9 weeks now, my doctor wants to see me after I'm 12 weeks.

  4. I was 5 weeks.  

  5. 8 weeks.

  6. a month and a half

  7. 9 weeks--they wouldn't see me any earlier.

  8. With my first I was 9 weeks along. With my second I got a new dr. and he saw me at 5 wks. I am currently pregnant with third (5 wks along right now) , my dr. schedule ultrasound for monday and I see him at 8 weeks.

  9. 13 weeks

  10. with all 3 of mine i was 2 mths to be exact bc i didnt know i was pregnant i didnt show any signs of being pregnant until i was that far along

  11. almost 3 months  

  12. i was 6weeks when  i went to the drs, a week after i found out.

  13. You need to get in there in your first trimester which is the first 12 weeks, but ideally around 8-10.  They need to take blood, urine and do a vaginal ultrasound to check everything out. Regular checkups throughout your whole pregnancy is 100% necessary.  At first its once a month, then twice a month and then by the end you have to go every week, the health of your baby depends on it.

  14. With my first pregnancy I was 20 weeks.  I didn't purposely wait that long, but i didn't know I was pregnant until I was about 12 weeks, and then I had trouble finding a doctor that would take me in, and when I finally got an appointment made, they couldn't get me in for 6 more weeks. Luckily I didn't have any complications.   With my current pregnancy, I will go in at 10 weeks (I'm currently 8 weeks).  

  15. 6 weeks a week after I found out!

  16. I was 12 weeks.

  17. 6 and a half weeks, a week after i found out i was pregnant.

  18. 5 weeks 4 days.

  19. 9 weeks

  20. 8 weeks

  21. We went at 8 weeks.

  22. I thought I had an ulcer in my stomach! But I was 3 mos. along, we had a good laugh about it.

  23. My dr likes to see patients between 8-10 weeks. We have usually went about 8 weeks.  

  24. I was 6 weeks and 1 day

  25. I didn't know I was pregnant until 3 months along.. I went to the gyno at 4 months and SURPRISE! Found out I was having twins.;...

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