
How far am I in puberty?

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I'm 15 and I started when I was about 12. I have grown an inch in height every year. I am now 5'11. My hands are 6 inches long, from index to the bottom. I wear size 11 shoes. I have little armpit hair, and my pubes is not covering my whole crotch. I do not have a lot of hair around my body.





  2. same here for me i'd say half way, the rest is growing in hight and growing more pubes mostly

  3. I'd say ur in the middle. Go here:

  4. Probably at the half way mark.  You've got at least 5 more years of growth potential left & you will gradually tell more & more changes as time goes by.  You might even have another growth spurt or two before it's all over.  Just do a good job studying in school to get a good education & enjoy what's left of your teen years.  They are the most enjoyable & carefree years you will ever have.  Good Luck.

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