
How far am I supposed to hit the Golf Ball?

by  |  earlier

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Ok im 15 years old.

My height is 5:8 feet

Im skinny and my swing speed with driver is 96 to 97mph and i hit it 250 yards

Ive been playing for over 8 years on and off but now i play everyday

So my question is how far am i really supposed to hit the ball?




  1. I hit an 8 iron 190 yards today (from an elevated tee though) and I'm 6'0   145 lbs 17 years old.  It's all about being long and lanky and flexible... you have to get your whole body into it.  It looks like 250 is about how far you are "supposed" to hit it at your height.  I think when you get taller, you will hit it longer.  Staying flexible will add to your drive too but dude honestly you don't need to hit it longer than 250 i get by hitting 6 iron off of most of the tees at my club and the course is LONG... the reason I do it is cuz that is the longest club I can hit straight every time  and it's all about hitting it STRAIGHT not long!!!

  2. Don't worry about how far you should be hitting the ball.    I can crush the ball 280 and some times 300 + but never down the center.( water, trees, sand or someone elses hole! ) Your clubs are made to do the job, when we try to add more strength and speed our body will move your arms out of the swing path. This in turn will make you top,slice, hook or just completely miss the ball. I know a guy who's swing speed is turtle slow, but he can hit that ball almost 280 effortlessly. It's all in the mechanics. Try this and find out for yourself. Tee up and give it all you got!! If you make solid contact Gage how far she flew. Next take it down to say 70% of your full power swing. The ball will most likely fly the same distance some times a few yards further and straight down the middle. God luck with this.

  3. A person  who has been playing " on and off " for 8 years, consistently hits the center of the club face, with a swing speed close to 100 mph KNOWS how far he is supposed to hit the ball . He doesn't ask the " Yahoos "on Yahoo that type of question. There are so many" up and commers" whose talents are astounding that the next generation pro golfer  is right here on Yahoo Answers!!

  4. Really it's hard to tell. A lot of the deal is how solid of ball contact do you make on a consistent basis. I know a lot of people with faster swing speeds and less distance. If you make very good contact all the time you should hit the ball around 230 or more!

  5. As far as you can.............

  6. Not as far as I do.


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