
How far am i really supposed to hit the golf ball?

by  |  earlier

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Ok im 15 years old.

My height is 5:8 feet

Im skinny and my swing speed with driver is 96 to 97mph and i hit it 250 yards

Ive been playing for over 8 years on and off but now i play everyday

my contact with the ball is always on the center of the club

So my question is this an ok average to to hit the ball at my age




  1. Before i start, for your size and age, 250 yards is something to be proud of, not ashamed of. You sound like you are in the same position i was in a few years ago. I was 5'10" when i was 15 and could drive the ball about 240 yards. I was disapointed with my distance because my school golf teammates were outdriving me by sometimes 50 yards and they were only a few years older. Now at 17 i am 6'1" and can drive the ball about 275. My advice: ask a trainer at a gym or even your weight room supervisor at your school to set you up on a core strengthening program and an upperbody workout program. Dont forget about lower body workouts too, but core strengthening is most important. Within about 3 months (it took a summer of working out for me) you should expect to rip it at least 15-20 yards further. Best of luck. Get out there and rip 'em.

  2. I would not be unhappy with 250 by any means.  However, if you don't have a newer driver (within the last 3 years), then you can likely hit farther with a newer driver.  I had a 12 year old driver and thought I was hitting it well until I played with a guy that was about 5'6" and 130 lbs and was hitting it 280.  He had a newer driver and swore that it increased his drives by 30 yards.  I immediately went to the golf store and inquired about the newer drivers.  The guy let me hit one on the range and I immediately saw that I was hitting it farther.  I made a purchase immediately.  A few montsh after that I found out that I had the wrong shaft for my swing type and put another shaft in that gave me an additional 20-30 yards.  Between the new driver and new shaft, I am hitting the ball about 50-60 yards father than I was with the older driver.

    The only other thing I will say is that if you tend to slice, that takes distance off your shots.  If you learn how to hit it straigter or with a slight draw, you will hit it farther.

  3. 250yards is a very good distance for a 15yr old. You most likely will end up growing taller in the next few years & then filling out that frame with more weight.  Both of those factors along with continuing to play golf will add more distance to your drives.  Try not to worry about it so much right now while your body is growing, instead work on your short game (chipping & putting) where all the scoring is really done.  That way by the time your body catches up you will have a good all around game and most likely be driving the ball 300yards+. Hope this helps!

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