
How far apart do the contractions need to be when its time for you to go to the hospital?

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  1. I read in the baby book and was told by plenty of moms that the contractions need to be about 2-3 minutes apart, also they can be 4-6 minutes apart to go to the hospital. I don't know... just yet.. But I wont take a chance If I feel like I'm going into labor I'm heading towards the hospital don't care if it is a false labor ... i want to make sure I get there on time... lol.. Good Luck!

  2. ask the hospital where your giving birth.

  3. Everyone's different, so you should really be asking your GP or midwife that question coz they know you better than anyone else!  Congrats anyways and I hope everything goes according to plan:)

  4. id say as soon as you feel a contraction you should go. Then you will have time for the doctors to get a bed for you and will be all ready early.

  5. I would personally recommend not heading out until they're around 10 minutes apart, or you're finding the pain very difficult to manage. but call your midwife  to confirm this  

  6. 5 Miniutes.

  7. every doctor is different and also depends on how far away your hospital is.

    i went in when mine were 7 minutes hospital was only 10 minutes away though...i was in labor for 3 hours and my daughter came out happy and healthy.

    talk with your doctor to see when you should


  8. 1 to 2 minutes apart  

  9. they say about 5 min but really its all about how bad the pain is contractions were uneven right up till I was ready to push so when you feel uncomfortable go ...

  10. I think 5 mins apart would be an alarming start for me. I'm not really sure but I would say 5-10 minutes? MAYBE? Again I'm not that sure so someone will probably know something.

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