
How far apart would you like your kids to be?

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I have a 6 year difference from my brother, and 7 year difference from my other brother. For those who want kids then how far apart by age would you like them to be? And for those who already have then how far apart are they?




  1. My boys are 3 weeks shy of being 3 years apart.

    I've always wanted 3 kids---each 3 years apart. So in about 3 years I'd like to have my third & final child.

  2. i would like it to be 2-3 years apart. But i want to have a 13 year old girl to watch me have her brother/sister to be born. i donrt know if it sounds wierd...but yeah. lol! i am only 13 now. I want my 1dt kid at atleast 20 or when i get married

  3. I have a 3 year old only child...Sorry!

    thought i would like them 2 years apart but when i actually had a 2 year old, having another seemed unmanageable so...jury's still out on it for me!

  4. my daughter  truns 3 years old sunday  my son just truned 6 months old   and im 3 months pregnant.   and planed  :)  i always wanted 3   close n age.

  5. I want my children to be no more than 2-3 years apart. That way they can grow up together, be closer, and have a playmate. My sister was 10 years older than me and we never got along and by the time I was 8 she was out of the house and hardly ever came to visit. Closer, I am hoping, will create a stronger bond for my children.

  6. I am 6 and 5yrs older than my 2 younger son and daughter are almost exactly 2yrs apart and I would like to have another baby that is 3yrs apart from my youngest...I think that is a good age gap...

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