
How far are you willing to go to "Free Tibet"? War with China or just a good "talking to"?

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I don't understand all of these protests for China to "free Tibet". Comunist China has had atrocious policies that have been violating human rights for decades/centuries. Did you know that chinese women are not allowed to have more than 2 children. If they have 2 children and get pregnent they are subject to "forced abortion" and "forced strilization". They also Harvest the organs of prisoners(killing them in the prossess) for profit. They do not have freedom of religion. Only government approved churches are allowed. They are not allowed to own dogs, they will be caught and killed.

Why all of a sudden are people picking, one of the many abuses that the Chinese comunist government perpetrates on their people?




  1. The Iraq mess is related to the China mess. What is worse, the CIA is responsible, in the way that Gollum the speed freak, cartoon-Carville-looking, Mid Earth wretch is responsible for the tension, in the Lord of the Rings saga. So the movies used an actor for Frodo, which has eyes, like Hillary's. When he puts on that middle class symbol, the funky, elvish wedding band, he DISAPPEARS, boy hobbit howdy. The Mid East and Marin are similarly evoked, throughout the saga, as if guys I went to college with had too much to do with Democrats from Arkansas and impregnated.

    Frodo's visual perceptions distort, like Hillary Clinton's must.

    Jingos who think they can push China need to go get more dingos more together. Except if you come around, after your money runs out, nobody will let you in. The US, UK, and Imperial wingdogs mis-manage an illegal economy around Israel, a fascist, apartheid state, founded of an illegal invasion of Palestine, in 1882. This incited the treaty orgy preceding WWI and the enmity, preceding WWII. Got WWIII? Riots?

    The co-opting of US foreign policy after WWII by British Imperialists, which were in Iraq, while they were undermining the League and bombing Baghdad and letting Zionist settlers invade Palestine, has led to the US-related debacles, we read about and see on TV.

    When the US founded the CIA after WWII, this nuisance lost no time at inciting China, with B-24 Liberator flights, FROM TAIWAN AND FROM TIBET, by 1948. I wonder if they did any flights from Burma, which the Chinese annexed, in 1949! Ever heard of the Flying Tigers? When the US and CIA started things up in 1948, they got the Korean War going!

    The US and UN, which have constantly prevented an international criminal court from issue by the UN, ran the North Koreans back to the Yalu, but the US bombed and sortied regularly, across the Yalu, INTO CHINA!! Got a clue, that China pushed the UN all the way back to parallel 38? The 1992 incident between a Chinese fighter and the Navy P-3 is directly related to the Liberator missions, suppressed by the US and all media connected.

    The UN enables the fascist US, UK, Vatican, and Israel to illegally participate, WITH NO HOPE OF AN I.C.Court. Why do you think all the Africans steal all they can, from the UN?

    The CIA established the Shah in 1953 and Saddam, in 1958.

    WHAT DO PEOPLE THINK THEY WANT, from China? The CIA was poking at them. The takings of Burma, Tibet, and eventually, of Taiwan are sure to be affected. Taiwan is next, or the US reforms itself and its foreign policy.

    Reform must proceed for the US and its usual suspects, FoxNews, foundations, and the US Government. OR SAY GOOD-BYE TO TAIWAN. The Kuomintang and Chinese landlords retreated there and to Hong Kong, but look how Hong Kong is doing! Not badly.

    Look how the US is doing. The Christian cultists have been convinced that the Jews, from Ethiopia, were the only Ethiopians around the Sea of Galilee, when the Jews there were merely an offshoot, not the only Ethiopians, and of these, the Jews were speaking Aramaic at the time of the Bible Story, see Mel Gibson's Passion, since the Ethiopian Aramids conquered Judea, before the Romans did.

    Israel was founded 1822 years AFTER 126 A.D., when Hadrian evicted them from rule and renamed the entire region, including Judea AND then-defunct Israel, as SYRIA-PALESTINA. Israel is the spearhead, of the despicable FOURTH CRUSADE, from royalty and fascism, incorporated, in the tainted western world.

    The only reason for a modern State of Israel is so WWI and WWII and then WWIII may be incited, during constant illegal coercion. The fat power deals of 2001 and the usury of 2004, during wars, show that Israel and the US are NOT serious, about 21st Century survival, for either defective republic. Every thousand years or so, the Christians get up CRUSADES, since they are an insane, fascist cult, co-opted by the murderous Romans, AFTER they killed Paul, for trying to get them to adopt the religion they eventually adopted.

    DEMOCRACIES? What are we voting on, for Hillary's right to wander around, like an abortion? We need administration.

    We don't have administration. We have piker-organized criminals, illegally sworn. Our constitution is in crisis, over Israel and the illegal economy, sending our standing armies out, again and again. So what are we supposed to do with all the punks, in traffic? Give them a thumb-button?

    But NOT FOR LONG. Making a stand around Israel has put global warming in express mode, while no modern media supports any democratic representation, in the same way Bill Gates let all kinds of adware into the internet, to profiteer, and so, the internet had to change, and it must change MORE, to become our educational media, since Israel and the fascists behind this have undermined our funding and all constitutional infrastructure, in such detail that China may assert a trillion or so of US debt, to force us to change, after an earthquake, maybe.

    Two of the biggest volcanoes in the world are Long Valley in Southern California and Yellowstone. The biggest fault lines and the greatest faults, in all enmities, are in the USA. Also, the stupidest people per capita live in the USA. You cons can neo your thumbs, where the sun doesn't shine. The only way the USA will desist, without deadly violence on the mainland is for a miracle to suddenly occur.

    The US has been jabbing everybody with the CIA, since the end of WWII. The US started jabbing at China and Russia, since 1948, and all the news agents and government geeks will not tell you! So many people protest this, protest that, protest when they f**t, protest when they p**p their pants!!

    The City of SF got all kinds of lay-over going on, from the HD-80, didn't they! All kinds of east bay, all kinds of south bay, all kinds of north bay! All kinds of fights in, sorry about your return flights, you can stay in SF if you don't fight. But a fight is always going on, where Newsom needs money and the CIA provides! Newsom's family manages the Getty trust, for oil, so naturally, nobody knows the millions of dollars in pot moving for medicine in SF needs to be millions of TONS, from Central California, already!

    Nobody knows the 15 power deals with our DWS are eating California AND your state, too! But then, wherever you are, you probably were conditioned to not react, even if you discover an injustice, but if you find out WHAT the source of the injustice is, you might deny your reactive syndrome is a disorder! Get some law and order, IN YOUR OWN HEAD.

    Nobody notices, how the fat power deals have pushed up ALL costs, which pass into the gas, farters! See $4 per gallon? If you don't want legal pot then you will eventually fall to Chinese economies of scale, expensive enmity, or not! But most Americans are SO stupid, they will maintain costly enmities, after expensive enmities have passed.

    So China will have another reply. And another. But when China is provoked, China may not speak, just TAKE. This is the fault of Americans, alive and dead, but many who should be dead, who are alive. They don't intend to bring the world economy in for a smooth landing, do Bush and his perverts.

    You need not demonstrate, here. The pimps for this want MO MONEY, MOE MONEY, and HO MONEY, and FUNNY MONEY, and mo MONEY! Get it? The hotels and airlines and cops and maybe the ducks all got fed! THAT is the exit strategy from cities and counties and states and international conflicts! THE MONEY WILL DRY UP, and China will balk at funding anything that fighting American Idiots want.

  2. "Free Tibet" is just the latest of a long, long line of buzz phrases  - including, but not limited to:

    "save the whales"

    "impeach Bush"

    "global warming"

    "alternate energy"

    And on and on and on and........

    It seems that some people just require a purpose in life when they should really be trying to simply get a life.

  3. Go to China and wear a t-shirt with a phrase, "Free Tibet".

  4. Millie is right.  Perhaps the reason why the western world hates the Iraqi war,  led by liberals, is of their dislike of the muslim fate.  Have you ever heard of a liberal muslim.  Being a muslim is as conservative as you can get.  Muslims supporting liberals only do so because they benefit from their idiocracy.

  5. Well I use to be concerned about the US going to war with China.... But, if their weapons are like all the cheap c**p (Tools, Toys, Clothes, Etc.) that they send over here... I am no longer concerned.... Their rockets, wouldn't make it this far.....

  6. I think for once we should be concerned about all the stuff that's going on right here, we've taken our eye off the ball and it is costing us dearly and some where down the line our kids will pay for all the foolishness we foster.

  7. Even when it was of public knowledge all the atrocities that Saddam Hussein, his sons and his acquaintances were doing to the Iraqis, it has been proven with all the mass graves found,....the world is against the war in Iraq,......BUT now, all of a sudden, it's OK to even think in war with China for what they are doing to their citizens and to Tibet??????????????????????

    If the situation in Iraq was not our business, how the situation in China *IS* our business?????????

  8. Wrong: All of a sudden it makes media, not all of a sudden we take notice.

    I have been against these olympics for seven years, I live in a country where people have escaped China, where the survivors write into the local newspaper monthly trying to bring attention to the lack of human rights in china, to the harvesting of organs of Falun Gong practitioners.

    The only ones that don't care are our governments - the ones that can do something about it.

    Boycott the olympics, boycott chinese products, boycott china

  9. Well we could start by not being in total denial about who and what the Chinese actually are, which is exactly where we are now. We have let the business community usurp any voice of judgment because it put money in their pockets and now we are making the Chinese richer by the day, and nobody has stopped to ask what they are going to do with it. A far as the baby thing goes they realize they have a huge ticking time bomb on their hands with their population, except when it goes off it going to go off in all our faces.

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