
How far away are scientists for a cure for baldness?

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Are scientists close to finding a cure, a simple method of making your hair grow back, not miracle potions, tablets or surgery, simply being able to find a cure for having all your hair grow back?




  1. 100 years or more

  2. Not in the way you would wish, but perhaps there would be a vaccine that would prevent hair loss in adulthood. This is a method they are working on now that's showing positive response.

    Also hair "cloning", is also another viable option.This method, they just clone the hair DNA to your bald areas.

    If there is indeed a "cure for baldness", there will be a few trials and errors before one if found, nontheless we are on the right track, considering research and science 30 years ago.

  3. pretty far

  4. no because nobodys trying to find one...

  5. the closest ting is to a cure is surgery. the is a hormone in the hair on teh back of ur head that prevents it dying off... so wat surgens can do is transplant hair from the back of ur head to the front and top and it will continue to grow... although it looks awfull wen ur in the process of getting it done

  6. I don't think it is on the list of priorities for cures! Both the active drugs that do promote hair growth in male pattern baldness were found by accident. One is the beta blocker minoxidil the other is a drug for BPH, benign prostatic hypertrophy, Finasteride.

  7. I don't think there ever will be, just accept the fact and grow bald gracefully! Actually it looks better to shave the lot off, rather than a few hairs here and a few hairs there!

  8. we already have one, its in front of our faces yet we are so arrogant to bother looking. We have the technology and the money to research it and the elements available to our use yet we dont bother!

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