
How far away can lightning reach to strike something.?

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like if a thunder storm is a couple miles away, can you still get struck?




  1. Lightning can strike an object up to ten miles away. If you hear thunder less than thirty seconds after witnessing a lightning strike, then you are unsafe. Seek shelter right away.

  2. Lightning can strike 12 miles away from the thunderstorm, allthough that is really rare. But lightning does strike a mile or two  away from the storm regularly.

  3. Lightning can strike as far as 10 miles from area where it is raining. That's about the distance you can hear thunder. If you can hear thunder, you are within striking distance.

  4. In meteorology class it was shown that the length of a single bolt of lightning has been 100 miles.  Not to worry though because that is as sparse as a volcanic eruption.

  5. Lightning can strike from miles away.  There are instances where lightning struck someone when there were not an clouds within miles.

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