
How far away from yellow lines on a pavement on a scooter can you be without getting a ticket (parked & in uk)

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i parked well away from kerb on the pavement chained to railings in a part where the public can't access,i got a ticket,how far away from the kerbside do you have to be? are there any loopholes? i was in liverpool doing voluntary work.i was not causing an obstruction and not near any doors or windows yet they gave a fine of £70.code 02. HELP




  1. should have given you a £1000 fine for being a k**b and parking on the pavement...would you have done the same thing in a car ???? so what makes you think you can do it on a moped?

  2. If you are outside, that is on the road side, of the boundary of the property that is adjacent to the yellow lines than the lines are enforced right up to the fence. You were done fair and square and so should all the Chelsea Tractor drivers who park on pavements inside yellow lines.

  3. Pavements are for pedestrians - not somewhere for lazy scooter owners to abandon their vehicle.

    As the carer of a disabled person, I have no sympathy whatsoever with anyone who thinks that they can block the pavement with impunity.

    Why not ignore the fine (and the subsequent letters) so that the authorities can confiscate your scooter and throw you in jail?

    Yes, I know this reply will attract the wrath of certain narrow-minded people - I just hope that one day they will not become disabled and have to tolerate selfish people such as you.

  4. parking on the pavement is ticketable offence i'm affraid

    so the answer  to you're question is, you cannot park a motor vehicle on the pavement

    get you're self a copy of the highway code

  5. 18 inches is the furthest from the CURB your nearest wheel can be or it has to be WITHIN the designated marked area.

  6. You parked a motor vehicle on the pavement.  That is a traffic offence and you received a ticket for it.

    You broke the law - why should there be a loophole?

  7. Firstly get a copy of the Highway Code - it points out clearly where you can and can't park.  I always keep a copy in my car for reference if I've ever unsure.

    Secondly if you think you have a case then appeal however stating 'I was doing voluntary work/not causing an obstruction/  not near any doors or windows ' is not a defence you have to have a legitimate arguement.  Though as you are asking about 'loop holes' I reckon tnat your case is probably shakey...

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