
How far away is Treviso Airport from St Marks Square?

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  1. about an hour.

    45 mins from train,then u walk there for about 15 mins..

  2. The bus from the airport in Treviso takes a little over an hour to get to Piazzale Roma. The buses are scheduled to coordinate with the flights, so there shouldn't be any delay at the airport.

    You can walk from Piazzale Roma to Piazza San Marco in about 30 to 40 minutes. You can also take the vaporetto (water bus) A direct boat takes about 20 minutes to get to the San Marco - San Zaccaria stop if you take the #41 or #51 or 35 min if you take the #2.

    If you take the local bus from the airport to the train station in Treviso, it takes about 15 to 20 min. the train from Treviso to Venice takes about 35 minutes, but you may have to wait for the next train. there are 1 to 3 trains per hour from Treviso to Venice. Piazza is on the opposite end of the Grand Canal from the train station. You can take a vaporetto in about 30 minutes (the train station stop is FERROVIA using the link to the vaporetto schedules.)  A water taxi will be faster, but very expensive. You can walk in 30 to 40 minutes. I usually walk, but if you've never done it, the boat down the Grand Canal is scenic.

  3. He arrived at Treviso, you take the bus that brings you the station of Treviso (10 minutes) then take the train line Treviso - Venezia Santa lucia. (35 minutes) arrived at the station of Santa Lucia to take boat line a great channel that brings you to San Marco(40 minutes).

  4. Marco polo is closer

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