
How far away is current technology from being able to create an artificial consciousness?

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I don't mean in an esoteric "my laptop is alive" way, but, consciousness in an eaisily recognisable, layman's definition of sentient???




  1. when this question is answered by a computer

  2. First define consciousness in technical terms.

    If we can't do that, and currently no one can, then how are we going to make an artificial consciousness? How will we know when we've got there?

    Rather than waste time chasing something we can't put our finger on, it would be better to concentrate our efforts on producing ever more useful programs.

    At the end of the day, consciousness may turn out to be illusory, an artefact of the way the human brain operates.

  3. Kurzweil bets on 2029... That's when a laptop with the computing power of the human brain for a 1000 dollars should show up is the Moor's law keeps going steady.

    I'm not that optimistic but it is a possibility.

    Other experts think that it might be 50 to 100 years, but as you can see...

    progress has always found a way to surprise experts.

  4. Believe it or not, man/woman is very smart.

    It is very (very, very, ...) difficult to emulate the basics functions of intelligence.

    Now for an estimate:

    we need super computers 100 faster than those we have today so say 2050.

    we need to write the programs: so say 2145.

  5. I guess it depends on how you define artificial consciousness.  Personally, if you define consciousness as having a "soul"  defined as having a totally "free will" I don't believe there will ever be artificial consciousness.  I believe in the school of thought, "GIGO"  garbage in/garbage out.  There will always be a programmer in the picture somewhere.

    Check out how humans are programed.  Google the MK Ultra mind control program done by the CIA.  Watch the DVD movie, "Manchurian Candidate" from 1962.  

    Caution:  Guard your mind very carefully, its the only thing you truly own.

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