
How far away out in deep space would you have to be for the earth?

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to look like a dot such as the period at the end of this sentence.

how far up do you have to go to first see curvature?




  1. Interesting question.  If I'm being honest, :), you would have to tell me how far away your eyes are from the screen and therefore the period above to answer accurately. There is an answer though and it could be done using simple arithmetic.

    As to your second question, the Concorde (Rest in Peace) flew high enough, just over 50,000 feet, for the passengers to see the curvature of the earth.  Go to YouTube and search for Concorde.  There are a great many very interesting videos posted there.

    Space officially starts at 100 km, at least according to the criteria set forth by the X-Prize committee.

  2. to at least as far as uranus

  3. 30 ft

  4. Best guess is somewhere between Mars and Jupiter, since they appear as (basically) dots to us.  With the naked eye, it's hard to tell the size of the dot because it's affected greatly by the brightness.  Venus "looks" as big as Jupiter because it's nice and bright.

    Earth's albedo (reflected light) is high, but not as high as Venus... So again, the best guess is probably Mars to Jupiter length away.

    As for curvature.  50,000 ft minimum, and to really see it nicely (with little atmosphere in the way), about 100km (which I think is ~330,000 ft).

  5. My guess is you would only have to be about as far away as Jupiter. Jupiter appears only a little bigger than a dot to us here and Jupiter is many times as large as the Earth. So we would appear smaller from there.

  6. actually to tell you the truth the human eye would not be able to perceive earth from the distance required for it to appear the size of a dot.  it is not bright enough  but if i had to guess i would say about midway between jupiter and mars somewhere smack dab in the middle of the asteroid belt.  but i could be wrong.

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