
How far back can I go for an ending rhyme?

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The bear in the book

is cuddly warm,

and loves me,

The wizard I find’s

the benevolent kind,

and friendly,

The poetic place,

a planet in space,

rings, as on Saturn

surround me,

The circles we make

are hand-banded,

The steps that we take,


While probing the system,

We read, learn and listen,

to meter, to method, to rhyme…





  1. The truth is in there...As far as your question, I don't know how far back you can go, but I'm willing and eager to learn!

    Uh...I just caught the details here....

    (Chewing on fingernails....)

  2. Some of those rings are made, not of star debris, but of poets who orbit around you. As for truth, a friend once said that "truth is booty and booty truth." I don't believe it. Truth is found in the heart, expressed by "meter, method, rhyme" and words used creatively.

  3. My favourite definition of truth is not a definition: "Is not the truth the truth?" (Falstaff in Henry IV, part 1).

    And no, there is no misspelling in my answer. Duh!

    There is madness in your method. I like it.  

  4. What an interesting place it must be inside your head.  I would love a tour sometime when you're free.  See this is what's wrong with me....beneath this rebellious, free-thinking persona there beats the heart of an accountant.  Logic, you see, always gets me in the end.

    Oh, to be as free as thee.

  5. The answer is in there With in the poem ...That is why I come here ,,,,,To relax To read and to learn I haven't been listening so much this week between work and someone "pissin" me off I kinda lost my focus and haven't relaxed much ,,,,,I like to say THANK YOU TD and THANK YOU everyone,,,,,,,Have a great Weekend!!

  6. There are no rules in poetry. If you are writing a certain type of poem (say, a haiku or an ode) there are some unbreakable rules for it to fit in that category, but any other "rules" can be bent or ignored completely.

  7. If you have ever read a James A Michener novel (*that's...pack your breakast, lunch and dinner for 3 days if you are reading it in one continuous sitting) then back to the ice age is quite fine. Og was a very good caveman. On the other hand....his wife was a drag....(yeah ok missed that? join the club....I know Og did.)

    The Truth is Out There! That's why YA exists. QED (or should that be Q&A? you decide)

    I like this poem too...I'm sure Og would be fascinated by it.

  8. You can go all the way back to the beginning, that's what I do with a mirror construction, a rubaiy, or a kyrial.

    That's "bear"able!

  9. You may go back to the end of time...or is that a Con-Verb?  I get so mixed up!

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