
How far back can you trace your family tree?

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I am descended from Baron Stentorian III, who was given the county of Kent for donating a few hundred serfs to King Harold, and for apparently injuring a Frenchman (he knocked the chap over whilst hastily retreating on his horse somewhere near Hastings).




  1. I can trace my family back as far as Olaf Smythesohnn the Unready, ( d.752 AD) and Agnethia Bluenosedoughtter  (d. 784AD) He stood on the beach at low watermark at Little Snoddington on Sea and commanded the tide to turn, he was still commanding when he drowned. The courtiers who put him up to it and beat a hasty retreat were Snorrie Fuddsohnn, Ulthred Rottersonn and Urther Chalffontshonn.

  2. Members of the Flash dynasty can trace our lineage back to the primordal soup. We were the first vertebrates to walk upright and  it was our family that hunted dinasours to extinction purely for sport. We created the last ice age to ensure winter sporting holidays and sold off Gondwanaland in its component parts to pay for our gambling debts.

  3. Let me think... I can trace it back to well before 1066.  Apparently I'm a direct descendent of the last king of Mercia.  

    So can I kick Liz and Phil off the throne, or would that strip me of my Dukedom?

  4. how do i trace hings like that? was it from the internet?

  5. 1700's Scotland. Descended from one Charles "The Old Scotchman" Burns who immigrated to America. The lineage stops there unfortunately...

  6. To the 1300s. My great grandfather was a leader of some rank in Italy.

  7. I'm told I am decended from Clan McNichol, Scotland circa 365 A.D.

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