
How far back in time does the belief in the paranormal begin?

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Could it be BC or AC?




  1. It is a  known fact that when we are not in control of out daily lives we will turn to the "magic" in life. That said, I will venture to say that it has been since the beginnng of man.

  2. >since the beginning of time

  3. I'd guess the paranormal believed in itself a long while before man showed up to believe in it.  Just my own view of things.

  4. i think its ever since mankind walked on the face of earth. in history books they say that the paleolitiks and neolitiks ( donno the spelling for sure) beleived in something called animism which was the belief that trees and nature were a form of spirits. anyway, my religion (hinduism) has stories and about the past where spirits would possess someone and things like that. they have also always believed that 'rakshasa's' exist. rakshasa's are something like demons. these stories date back to a long long time ago. way before christ.

  5. definately BC ..proberly from the very early stages of human life....The bible is full of supernatural occurences....specially when jesus was around, it got documented...old art carved into caves, shows some form of supernatural in their drawings...

    great book TR...looks interesting, i have a fasination with Rome, and the whole of Italy....

    I reckon people from the beginning of time, have been worshipping a God, or Gods.. that must come from somewhere....I dont know why im thinking this, but i think maybe, people noticed more paranormal phenonemens back in the early days, maybe cause it was alot more quiet than today...things would of stood out more back then...

  6. bc,

  7. My guess would be from the beginning of time.

  8. AC is not a period of time it is alternating current

  9. Definitely BC. We know that ancient Greeks and Romans held beliefs in ghosts. I tend to think that belief in the paranormal -- in mysterious unseen powers and forces that affect our lives and fortunes -- is as old as the human species is.

  10. since the beginig of humans

    also there is no such thing as paranormal

    there just things that most humans cant explain in certain point of time

    llke o solar eclispe  for the really primitive

    or like today spirit world or aliens visiting us

    most people dont undestand it  or can explain it including scientist

    so fot them is paranormal

    once u have absoulte knowledge there is nothing paranormal for u

    already then

  11. Whenever our ancestors became aware of their mortality.So more then 160.000 years ago.

  12. I'm not a history buff..but aren't there images of some in hieroglyphics in the caves? Also of UFOs and aliens.That would be BC. It's B.C. and A.D. (initials of Latin words)

    Here's a little added info.(I used to be a teacher& can't stop!)lol

  13. Paranormal was normal until about the time of the start of modern day science.  They wanted to move away from the old ways and start a new way of looking at things,  about 1550 to 1650. That is when astronomy replaced astrology.

  14. no, neither....1800's with fregrivh of Sweden

  15. If by the paranormal, you are including the belief in abstract concepts like God and spirit matter, then for sure it has to be pretty close to the evolution of cro-magnon man, going back at least 50,000 years. In fact, there is ample evidence that even the Neandertals (ranging back 100,000-200,000 years) displayed some rudimentary belief in afterlife concepts.

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