
How far back should i take my back swing before starting my downswing. Im a bout a 18 handicapper?

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How far back should i take my back swing before starting my downswing. Im a bout a 18 handicapper?




  1. Go as far back as you can keeping your left arm straight, but no further back than shoulders 90 degrees, hips 30 degrees.

  2. I have a flat swing and this only allows me to come around 3/4 but I can still hit a driver 280yards. I am a 16handicapper, I dont hit it that far everytime but sometimes I hit it 290yards

    I also have a playing partner who over swings to the point where the club wraps to his neck and he can still hit a good ball.

    The norm says swing untill the club head is square with the target (just as the first person says), but everybody is different, you just need to find your swing and go from there.

  3. As with any handicap player, your backswing should stop once it becomes parallel with the ground, pointing toward your target.  If you go past this, the shot will most likely slice or hook, however, if you do not reach this point, the shot will lose significant distance.

  4. It doesn't matter what handicap you play to the backswing should be such that it conforms with the other elements . Starting with the knee flex, the manner in which you take your back swing, the turn of the torso and shoulders and your arm extension all should be coordinated so that the club shaft  will be pointing to the target at the very top of the swing and be parallel with the shoulders. If you are less limber bring the club back a shorter distance  .

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