
How far can a nuclear bomb effected?

by Guest58547  |  earlier

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How far can a nuclear bomb effected?




  1. Your question has no meaning.

    Did you ask "How large is a nuclear bomb blast?" Then the answer depends on the size of the bomb.

    Did you ask "What is the range of a nuclear bomb?" Then the answer depends on the delivery device, generally world wide.

    Did you ask "What is the total area of effect of a nuclear bomb?" Then the answer depends on the size of the bomb.

    And, there is a difference between nuclear and atomic bombs.

  2. It would depend on the amount of fissional material contained in the bomb, and also where it was sited.

  3. It all depends on its size.  The weapons used in ICBMs can devestate entire cities.  On newer weapons ground zero can be up to a mile in diameter.  In this area nothing survives and nothing is left standing.  The blast radius will extend about another 7-10 miles outs,but weakening significantly out from ground zero.  The EMP from the blast will travel out about 10-15 miles from ground zero.  However the effects of radiation can be felt several miles away 50+ miles depending on terrian and weather patterns

  4. I know exactly what you mean. Based on today's nuclear power I would say up to 50 miles Plus. Then again it also depends on how big the bomb is itself.

    To the guy on top.

    There is no difference between the Nuclear Bomb and Atom Bomb. An atom bomb is also called a fission bomb which is one of the two types of nuclear bombs, and the other being a fussion bomb. So get your facts strait buddy. So basically an Atom bomb is a nuclear bomb.

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