
How far can a total of 12 Watts RMS go when I'm outside?

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My firends and I play football all the time and I'm wondering how far the sound output would reach for a 12 Watts RMS Output.




  1. Watts gives you no indication of how far a sound will carry. You are looking at other specifications and factors to determine that. For example at 10 watts a speaker with a 100 Decibel sensitivity rating is the same volume as 100 watts driving a speaker with a 90 Decibel sensitivity because you need 10 time the power to drive a speaker 10 db louder and a speakers sensitivity rating is how loud it plays with 1 Watt at 1 meter. Then you have other factors like air pressure, humidity and wind that will affect how far the sound carries. Sorry I wish I could help you but you will have to test it out for yourself.

  2. There is no great answer

    How loud is the yard and how deaf are your friends?

    In some cases a larger speaker is louder because it is physically moving more air.  Some stores sometimes hook up a big speaker to a little pocket radio to show how little power it takes.  

    other times a poor speaker just doesn't sound well at all

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