
How far can you push a work relationship? (married only)?

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For married people to answer:

You get along with people at work in different degrees...

1. hate

2. put up with

3. like

4. you fixate on them at a meeting, or go to lunch with a smirk

5. you're dying to grab them

If you're moving down in the list and you're attracted to someone at work, what are the extremes of activities or behaviors that you personally do? is it different for co-worker vs. boss vs. subordinate, etc?




  1. It is called cabin fever or cubicle fever. You spend so much time with the other people that they start to look good to you. Let the crush or obsession die out. Because it eventually will. Know in your heart that this fantasy at work is nothing compared to the life you have with your spouse and they are definitely not worth the risk.

    My husband and I have both admitted to having crushes on people at work. You find a way to get through it. Eventually you relaize that the person at work does not measure up to your spouse.  

  2. I would stay away from those who seemed attracted to me and vice versa.  I could tolerate the rest.  Never had any problems with people I worked with really.  Always kept my distance from those who seemed to be a problem.  

  3. if I found myself on the verge of #5, I would consider finding another job, or getting  a  different position so I wouldn't be around him so much.  I wouldn't trust myself.

  4. Since this is for married people only, #4 and 5 are out of the question. I like most of the people I work with.

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