
How far can you see poetically?

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My eyes allow

me to see

across the surface

to the horizon.

Poetry allows

me to see

the whole world

inside out.




  1. I see farther than you can imagine.

    I see the world as it turns.

    I see the person dying on the side walk.

    I see the way I and others live, in a comp. diff. way.

  2. With eyes closed,

    ears listen,the words ring out,

    with such submission.

    I see through darkness,

    time, running out,

    My heart so bruised,

    words I shout.

    Then through the darkness,

    comes forth the light,


    yet still no sight.

    My story ends as it began,

    there are no words

    that I can Penn!

    Eyes open,

    Tear stained cheeks,

    For I have seen

    what my heart seeks.

  3. that was a fly

    that just went by

    my eye

    I followed

    all night

    til it did alite

    then I crushed it


  5. What TD said...

  6. Very nice!

  7. When I 'see poetically,' I see just a bit farther, or slightly deeper.  While I'm sure that my 'poetic vision' is useful, I never have the sense that i see it all.  

    Consequently, I'm rather skeptical of poetry that promises complete understanding---of anything.  But I don't object to poetry that sees beyond possibility, or poetry that posits a new dimension of possibility.  Even if the putative parameter of possibility is false-to-fact, it can be a balm, a pleasure, a respite from reality---and if it turns out to be true, the poem supplies a running start at accommodating the newly possible world.

  8. Hello Brandy! This is a perfect poetic expression. I think you should look into There is lots of space in our 2009 book.

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