
How far did the whale travel before spewing out the prophet Jonah?

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How far did the whale travel before spewing out the prophet Jonah?




  1. Until he encountered a boat of Japanese Whalers and got speared.

  2. is a fairy tale

  3. It was 36 hours of cooperation of acids in the whale´s stomach and intestine system

    He , in reality, went out the ´´other´´ end

  4.    Nobody knows and what could it matter?

  5. No distance at all. It's FICTION.

  6. it is NOT a fairytale. it does not say in the bible how far the LARGE FISH traveled but it does say that he was inside the large fish for three days and three nights.

  7. I think he pooped him out after about 50 miles or so.

  8. It was not a whale; it was a large fish.

    Ha dag godol

    the fish large

  9. Far enough for Jonah to repent of his unworthy actions in not trying to save his enemy's by preaching to them.

  10. Since we don't know where exactly he was supposedly chucked overboard, no way to know.  

  11. It was a story not real, you really need to hit the reality button and decide

    fiction from reality or go scuba diving like I do and see for yourself what is true or false.

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