
How far did u make it until your baby was born?

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some people have babies at 37 weeks, others have babies at 27 weeks, well how far along were you? was your baby healthy?




  1. I was exactly 41 weeks when my son was born. He's healthy and develops very well.

  2. All 4 of my babies came past their due dates by 9 days, 11 days, 5 days, and 7 days.  All 4 were healthy.  My 3rd had a difficult birth requiring a forceps delivery and ended up in NICU for a day, but was doing well in a couple days.

  3. I was induced with my 1st at 37 weeks due to preclamplsia.  He was perfectly healthy, but developed a bit of jaundice.  My 2nd son came at 37 weeks on his own.  He was perfectly healthy and we went home the next day.  I'm 34 weeks with our little girl and so far she's staying put :)

  4. I had my daughter at 37w 4d. She was 6lb 4oz and healthy as could be.  

  5. My first I was 39 weeks and he was healthy. My second one I was 36 weeks. His lung collapsed after birth and was life flighted to a children's hospital 2 hours away. Both of mine were c-sections due to my health.

  6. 38 weeks. 7 lbs 15 oz boy healthy

  7. my son was born one month late, lifted his head and asked what was for dinner - lol.  He is now 19 6'5" 250 lbs and still asking what's for dinner?  I was sick every day until he was born, he is worth every minute of it.

  8. At 38 weeks and 2 days, I had a healthy, 7 lb. 9 oz son.  At my 38-week appointment, my doctor had joked that we might talk about inducing if I went past my due date because she had a European vacation planned, but my water broke the next morning and I had him later that day.

  9. My twins (who are now 3) were born at 27 1/2 weeks, and they are super healthy! They did spend a month in the NICU, but were only treated for minor things and are now exceptionally smart and very strong, healthy boys!

  10. My dayghter was 1 day over my EDD, 7lbs 3oz.(text book pregnancy); & my son was 5 days early 6lbs 6oz (a lot of complications though BUT everything is perfect now)

  11. 40 weeks and 6 days...was scheduled for an induction the very next day, but went into labor on my own. Delivered a very healthy 8lb baby girl via c-section after 14 hours of non-progressive labor. Best of luck.

  12. On  my due date with my first child (induced), very healthy!  8lbs 12oz

    38wks/6dys with my second child, also healthy! 8lb 4oz

    40wks/3dys with my third child, 6lb 9oz...tiny for being overdue but very healthy!

  13. my first induced at 42 weeks to the day at 7.4 oz.

    my second induced at 40.2 weeks to the day at 7.14 oz.

  14. Exactly on the due date with #1, 10 days overdue with #2, 4 days overdue with #3.

  15. 39 weeks 4 days.

  16. My baby boy was born at 42 weeks and 3 days at 7lbs and 15oz. I started labor at 10 o'clock that night and was later given pitocin to speed things up because of gestational age. Labor was none the less a hard 18 hours.  

  17. 38 weeks (considered full term; induced due to pre-eclampsia after 2 months on complete bed rest) and dd was mostly healthy. 6 lbs 8 oz and in NICU for about 10 days. She was breathing, but not very well, and it took a few days to get her sucking reflex going. I tell you, though, she looked like a GIANT in that NICU!! She was so much bigger than all those teeny tiny premies.

    She's 10 1/2 now and absolutely perfect!  

  18. My first baby was born at 41 weeks and my twins were induced at 38 weeks.  

  19. 30 wks 6 days...received 3 steroid shots for his lungs before he was born while I was in the hospital.  was born at 3 lbs 15.9 oz, came home 4 wks 3 days later and is doing so great!  will be 9 weeks old tomorrow.  haven't had any problems at all other than him getting here early.

  20. I was somewhere around 41 weeks when I birthed my baby. My doctor thought I was 41 weeks and 3 days. (Going by LMP.) I thought I was 40 weeks and 4 days. (Going by date of conception.)

    He was perfectly healthy!

  21. 25 weeks. 98 day hospital stay. Now 8 months old! Weighed 1 pound 3 ounces at birth...yikes.

  22. i have four kids my first was born at 41 weeks(yes over) my second was born at 38 weeks both were born healthy and good sized. my third and fourth were twins  born at 33 week the first born was healthy enough at a decent weight for her age, my fourth came out not breathing, it took 2weeks for him to be taken off the oxygen  but now is very healthy.... my sister-inlaw had her third child at 26 weeks  and could breath on his own after 3 weeks.. it is amazing what doctors and nurses can do now.  

  23. 39 weeks, 1 day. yes shes very healthy  

  24. i was induced at 39 weeks and my daughter is perfectly healthy! she was 6 pounds and 6 ounces.

  25. First baby boy, born at 19 weeks.  :-(

    Second baby boy born at 23 weeks  :-(

    Third baby boy born on March 3, 2008 at 34w6d!!  My miracle.  He was 6lbs.12oz. and very healthy.

  26. with  both of mine i was at 38  weeks and i had them by c-section. they were both very healthy and still are today!

  27. 40 weeks, 4 days by the doctors calculation

    39 weeks, 4 days by my calculation

    Yep, she is very healthy.

  28. I made it to 36 weeks and he weighed 5lbs 5oz he was in ok health but had to stay in NICU for 2 weeks because of antibiotics had to be administered, then jaundice, then he wouldn't eat. Nothing serious though but the worst fifteen days of my life cuz i couldn't take him with me and on the other hand happy that it wasnt anything worse. He did have problems breathing the first hour but then he was breathing perfectly normal

  29. 39 weeks 6 days... healthy 9lb 6 oz baby girl.

  30. 39 weeks and 1 day. My daughter was 8 pounds 1 ounce and is a happy, healthy little baby.

  31. 40 weeks and 6 days, and god was I glad when he popped out... LOL

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