
How far do you agree that vegetarian is as healthy as a diet containing meat? What is a good conclusion?

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How far do you agree that vegetarian is as healthy as a diet containing meat? What is a good conclusion?




  1. A vegetarian diet is the healthiest one there is, when done properly. It is also best for the enviornment and all living creatures involved.

    Meat isn't necessary, simple as that.

  2. Anyone claiming that one is healthier than the other is simply dumb.  Any of them will work if done properly and researched.

    I've seen vegan things posted in here that contain coffeemate (technically vegan, but incredibly unhealty -- 2 main ingredients are corn syrup solids and partially hydroganized coconut oil!).  

    If the issue is purely health, I can guarantee plain old milk will be healthier.

    But sure, if someone takes the time to study it, vegansim can be extemely healthy.  

    The biggest health problem with veganism, imo, is sugar.  Bars with extra sugar, and even thinks like cherry pie filling, etc, are loaded with sugar, which can be even more dangerous than fat.

  3. I've heard it put this way- the healthiest people in the world are "cheating vegans"- those who very occasionally allow small amounts of animal products in their diets. That is because we do not do very well with balancing nutrients for ourselves... it is possible, just not very common.

    All the things vegans need to supplement, animals get because they eat dirt. B12 is a bacteria in the soil. Iron, zinc, calcium, all minerals found in the world around us, just not in the things we eat. Back when we used to live in the soil, close to the earth, back when the soil had integrity, before we ruined it with unsustainable farming practices and poisoned it with pesticides and herbicides, it was possible to be a healthy vegan without having to work so hard at it. But now, in order to balance all the nutrients we need, and because we cannot spend every minute planning every bite we take around those nutritional needs, the easiest way is to eat the muscle tissue of the animals who have spent a lifetime absorbing them and now have them stored up in perfect ratios- just for us. (that was sarcasm btw)

  4. I would say a vegetarian diet is at least as healthy as a diet containing meat, probably more. Yes, meat contains protein, but you can get this from plenty of other sources. Personally, I think a vegan diet is both the healthiest and  moral option.

  5. Vegetarian diet is good when you consider some things - like cholesterol and colon health. But i'v known vegetarians - people who have never ever eaten a single piece of meat but usually grow up developing heart problems also.

    meat has its own advantages and vegan has its own.

    I believe anything in moderation will help you - if ur goal is good health!

  6. As long as you keep a balanced vegetarian diet with lots of variety, it's much healthier than a meat diet--much lower in cholesterol and fat. But if you go vegetarian, you can't just eliminate meat from your diet--you have to readjust to make sure you're getting enough iron and protein. I've had vegetarian friends who just ate pasta and cheese everyday--which can be quite unhealthy--so it really just depends on what kind of vegetarian diet you keep up!

    Be sure to eat your leafy greens and legumes!!

  7. A vegan diet is healthier than a vegetarian diet.  But a vegetarian diet is healthier than a meat based diet.  Cow's milk is meant for calves, not humans.  It is actually very difficult for humans to digest dairy.  

    I have been vegan since 1990 and I have been extremely healthy.  You need to eat a balanced diet with whole foods - fresh veggies and fruits, whole grains, legumes, etc.  You will get enough protein and vital nutrients if you eat whole foods.  

    You will also have a clear conscience that you are not contributing to animal suffering or global warming.

    Here are some great links for more information.

    I could go on and on but I didn't want to monopolize your page.  If you feel that my answer was too short or lacking enough information I will gladly write more.

    BTW the HappyCow web site lists health food stores and veg restaurants in the US and around the world.

  8. Once again, evolutionary adaptations can definitively prove what humans are SUPPOSED to eat.  Here are some pretty clear facts supporting humans as omnivores:

    1) We do not have ruminant teeth.  Cows and horses and other vegetarians have what are appear like huge molars as their teeth, which are highly adapted for what they eat.  We have molars in the back of our mouths for this type of food, but we also have canine teeth and incisors for ripping and tearing meat, similar to carnivores.  By DEFINITION, that makes humans omnivores, and clearly shows beyond a question of a doubt we are SUPPOSED to eat both meat and vegetables.  Arguing that eating only vegetation is "the way to go" is a dumb, idiotic, and clearly NOT supported by evolutionary proof argument.  

    2) We do not have multiple stomachs like other animals who eat only vegetables do.  Again, evolution does not lie.  If humans were meant to only eat vegetables, not only would we  have teeth like cows or horses, we would also have multiple stomachs to adapt to this diet.  Clearly, we do not.  Again, evolutionary evidence that does not support any claim that humans should be vegetarians.

  9. Diets including meat can be healthy of course, as can vegan and vegetarian diets.

    The key to good health is balance: variety is important in any diet.

  10. There is no argument, diets on both sides can be optimal.

  11. A vegetarian diet can be a complete, nutritional diet. It's just that making it so is hard work and requires avoiding all sorts of pitfalls, while adding even a modest amount of meat and dairy products almost automatically protects a person from nearly all deficiency diseases.

  12. The vegan diet is the healthiest diet there is when it is done properly.  End of story.

    The consumption of animal flesh causes cancer and heart disease.

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